Greetings Agents, from the isthmus of Panama.

Greetings Agents, from the isthmus of Panama.

As some of the enlightened down here have been able to notice the illusion of separation between ingress agents, we're opening up our geographical +Isthmus to Ingress agents.

Please help us bring this ripe community into the sun!




  1. Hello Fernando Dreyfus ! Thank you for this post. We are absolutely looking forward to "community to community" efforts, such as what you describe.  We love and appreciate that Project Isthmus has been a place where many diverse community members have been coming together, and we've noticed that there is an opportunity to expand this FROM individual members TO entire communities.  Two large advocates of this effort so far are Sarah Leszczynski and Ishira Tsubasa .

    This is a busy time for all Ingress players with the Obsidian finale approaching so quick, and likewise we've had a flurry of activity here at PI.  Please give us a couple weeks to put together a good course of action on how to advance this effort and we will reach out to you to help collaborate. (Then of course work to extend the efforts to as many communities around the world as possible.)  In the mean time, we'd love to hear replies here from other community leaders in Ingress.

  2. I love this project and I am completely honored to be a part of it.

  3. What Ishira Tsubasa​ said! An absolute honor to be involved in the evolution of Project Isthmus​. Positively cannot wait to see what is in store!


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