In today's Weekly Wrap Up by H. Richard Loeb at, he left this unique thought:

In today's Weekly Wrap Up by H. Richard Loeb at, he left this unique thought: 

In the days that follow, I’ll be trying to figure out what lies ahead for Jahan, the Acolyte and their Factions. If Jahan is on the back foot after the Enlightened’s success this weekend, what will she do? Are they actually prepared to deal with the consequences of pursuing the Obsidian Shield technology? And what can we find out about the contents of the lockbox? 

The final question about the lockbox...well, I'll let Matt Stevenson handle that. But what do you guys think about the rest of it? 
Is activating the Obsidian Shield going to bring about dangerous consequences?


  1. I'm not sure. Like any tool or weapon we do not yet understand, it can be dangerous if handled wrong. Even a butter knife can cut. It is why we are moving slowly and doing our due diligence first.

  2. Jennifer Brozek All we know as of now is that the Shield blocks influence. Nothing of now.

  3. Yes, but do we truly know how the Shapers or N'zeer influence us? Is it purely through XM and the network of XM? If so, will activating the shield, regardless of which faction does so, decrease XM, destroy portals, or maybe some other unknown consequence?

  4. Jeff Meaders Intriguing. That's the million dollar question at the moment.


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