Project Isthmus and November Lima Team Up For Some Special Missions, With Prizes! (Day 3 / Release 3 Thread)

Project Isthmus and November Lima Team Up For Some Special Missions, With Prizes! (Day 3 / Release 3 Thread)

Just a couple days ago we posted the news about this exciting new mission contest series we are doing, with Linda B and Ethan Lepouttre as they tour NL through many great cities, on their way to the Orlando anomaly.

We are quite thrilled to say its been a big success thus far, and as such has generated a lot of comments on the original thread. (Okay, yes, many of those are from me... what can I say? Hee hee!)

To help keep things streamlined (a little pun there, get it?) we are starting this new thread for Detroit! Woo-hoo, go go go Detroit, it's time to move!

The rules are simple:
1) The day of the NL event you will find a new mission available in your city
2) Be first (or one of the first) to complete that mission and learn it's pass phrase 
3) Return here and make a comment that includes your in-game agent name, and the pass phrase

If you are quick enough, you will qualify for a first place prize to be given to you in person by Linda and Ethan at the NL event! (Yes, you must be present at that event to win. Only one first place prize will be awarded per venue.)  There will also be a small number of other prizes for participants who did not come in first as well. (UPDATE: We are making sure everyone who participates will ultimately get some PI swag, too, once we have it produced.)

Andrew Krug Ingress


  1. Special shout out and thanks to GraphicBurger for the stamp PSD, you saved me a bunch of time this evening! ;-)

  2. Oh wow, Ive got a lot of replies to make this AM... :-)

  3. Matt Stevenson Detroit represents hard mate, we don't want you getting lazy :)

  4. Nick Dumas I see that / guess so! Impressive for sure!! :D

  5. At least the ENL here are... I think RES decided to sleep in or something.

  6. Ryan Malkin I was going to make a smartass comment about the resistance having jobs and girlfriends and shit, until I was prompted to join the community to post a comment.

    I sincerely hope this isn't the only place this info was posted. Sure - joining this community (which isn't in my faction) to post a comment was easy enough, but if special bits and bobs are being offered up in ways that favor reaching ENL agents, then that's just not cool. (Disclaimer: I don't give a shit and have only done cursory research on whether this was offered up in a non-skewed way)

  7. To my knowledge this was linked over from the NL1331 page or something. I know Linda is headed with the van, and she's blue for sure. The past posts of winners have included blue people. This certainly wasn't only distributed through green channels.

  8. Ryan Malkin You know me. Always standing up for fairness.

  9. Charlie Tidwell I got the link to this post from OutofToon's share to the Teal chat, so definitely available to both factions.

  10. Why no RES posts here? They not able to participate?

  11. Hello everyone! This is very much a cross faction effort/site/contest/etc!! Along these lines, we have exiting news - we will be making a bigger, overall post on this topic in a couple hours... but for those of you agents diligent enough to already be participating in this thread, I will "leak" this info now to you... we have secured the ability to award TWO first place prizes today, and also at tomorrows event, one for EACH of the two factions! :D  Stay tuned for more updates very soon...

  12. Matt Stevenson tomorrow's event? Is that in Michigan or the next stop along your path?

  13. Ryan Malkin tomorrow's stop is Indianapolis ;-) The contest mission will be at, essentially, the same location as the NL event!

  14. Ryan Malkin MaryAnn k Brian R Krystina Loftis Logan 1034 D FLIP Sean Mccluskey Smak Takular Kyle Campbell Sean Gerrity Brian Kissick Rob Samhaine Suman Gubba Chuck Badger fantastic job today agents! I wish I had time to do individual replies today, but at least got the individual comm pings out. ;-) Hope you had fun doing the missions, I hear I got the one-way streets a little wrong... LOL!

  15. Hello everyone, if you are looking for the Indianapolis thread you will be able to find it here:


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