All Good Things Must Come To An End

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Hello Investigators, G+ has served as the main platform since the inception of Project Isthmus. With G+ shutting down in less than a month, and given our personal allocation of time "behind the scenes", we wanted to wrap up a handful of items here prior to the shut down.

I. Re-cap of accomplishments, and thank yous
II. Where to find / how to contact Project Isthmus post G+ closure
III. The unreleased "Final Script" of PI

I. Re-cap of accomplishments, and thank yous. We will keep this brief - not listing each accomplishment, not catching everyone we really should in the thank-yous.

If you take your memory's and mind's back to December 2015, when we founded PI, it was a much different scene in the Investigation than it is today. Back then there was a G+ Community that a handful of people knew about and participated in. There was also a secret Hangouts channel that was very hard to learn about, let alone get into. The founders of Project Isthmus leveraged a couple Niantic contacts they had to assist in brainstorming gaps in that scene that could be filled. Niantic was not prescriptive of our actions, but the couple of contacts we had were helpful. After minimal discussion, the founders opted to combine the award winning writing of Jennifer Brozek with the community and game knowledge of Matt Stevenson Marius H Tronstad Jaime Quinonez +M. K. (labeljumper) and project management and puzzle creations of Jeff Meaders . Together, we launched the project. If not for the support and contribution of each of these individuals, it never would have happened. To be candid - it pushed many of us out of our comfort zones, but together as a group we supported and contributed to each other and the project, and ultimately it was a success.

We consider it to have been a success not only in what was directly said or awarded to founders, and not only because we were able to "pull off" things like official partnerships with November Lima as it toured the nation... We consider it to have been a success not only in that we influenced the official story line within the game... But more we consider it a success in that we successfully created an "on ramp" to "The Investigation" at a time when, really, there was none. Case in point, Ishira Tsubasa who has risen to epic fame in the world of Essex got her start by participating in our group. Another Agent we always supported, and encouraged to post in our community was Relique of TS-Morpheus fame.

We achieved the successful creation of the on-ramp to Essex!

(It is beyond the scope of this post to thank further, behind the scenes/Niantic players.)

II. Where to find / how to contact Project Isthmus post G+ closure. Until there becomes a reason to shut them down, we will keep the Hangouts/Telegram "single channel that is synchronized". You can contact any of our founders, or ask in any Essex chat, how to get added, and we will add you. If you are at a complete loss for how to even contact those people, send an email to mr.matt.stevenson ( a ) gmail ( dawt ) com

For the G+ community content, we are archiving it! Our "entry URL" of will soon re-direct from this G+ community to that of an archive that will live on blogger, the direct URL of which will be:

A similar G+ profile archive of this PI "persona" will be able to be found at:

(And of note, Matt Stevenson participated in another Investigation related community, that of ViridCascadia, which we've gone ahead and archived at: )

III. Final Isthmus Script
[You may adlib as you two wish. The intent is that Marius wants BigMatty to bring GaanEden and Morgyan in on the bigger picture of the Enlightened.]
This is a Skype call. Recorded from both sides. In English.

I’ve received your report and considered it. Do you really think they’re ready?

Yes. They’ve both been agents for over a year. GaanEden travels extensively and has contacts all over the world. She even got the attention of Edgar Allen Wright. Morgyan’s research into mountain portals has given the Enlightened new insights. The two of them are assets. They’re ready.

Thinks about it briefly and nods All right. Do it. I look forward to hearing what they have to say about what we’ve got to say behind
closed doors. Send me your orientation report on them.

Will do.

[End Conversation.]

BIGMATTY: Voiceover (Video will be of Morgyan and GaanEden walking up to your house/office.) Enlightenment is taken one step at a time. We all start as neophytes. We become competent in time. Experts after long practice. The thing experts most often say is that the more they know, the more they realize what they do not know. Each level of growth leads to the beginning again. That is where we are now.

BIGMATTY: Opens the door and lets GaanEden and Morgyan in
Hello! Come in. We’ve got a lot to talk about. It’s about the Acolyte, Jarvis, and a cabin out of time...
Door is closed in the face of the camera.

Project Isthmus would like to thank our viewers for following our media project. While the fictional “Project Isthmus” storyline is now done, the other Project Isthmus activities are still going strong. Join us in our lore investigations, our glyph analysis, our Project Isthmus meet-ups, the fictional “World at Large” stories from our members, and our ongoing cross-faction fun. We appreciate each and every one of you. See you in the next media project. ~The Project Isthmus Founders


flint dille Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke Verity Seke
Andrew Krug
Haerang Dong Anne Beuttenmüller


  1. Project Isthmus will always be one of the greatest groups I have had the pleasure of being a part of. You guys have amazingly supported the glyph journal and the things I've thrown your way and really allowed me to flourish in investigations and Essex and I really couldnt thank you more. Love you all


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