Glyph Talk 2/5 - Glyph Theme: Togetherness

Glyph Talk 2/5 - Glyph Theme: Togetherness
In this second post about glyphs, I’m going to begin to look at some of the particular conceptual themes that keep appearing in the glyph messages. To understand where I am coming from, read Glyph Talk 1/5 – The Senders.

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. One of these concepts is of togetherness or becoming part of the whole. This occurs in glyph messages from both sides of the line. Group think and group action is important to both the Shapers and the N’zeer.
For the Shapers, it appears to be about equality, perfection, and harmony.
For the N’zeer, it appears to be about safety and strength.
For both, it is about being part of the whole. Group think is important. Granted, glyphs are a limited way to get your message across and there are specific differences:
Together Discover Harmony Equality
Live Inside XM Lose Self
Shapers appear to become one within the whole and that appears to be what they want for humans: to ascend to the point of joining a collective, the ultimate. While the N’zeer appear to want more of an individual focus within the whole… a hive mind where the individual still matters, the substrate. Either way, to be separate is to be weak and lose the truth—whatever that may be for each side.
There is only one glyph set I can think of that argues against group think:
Contemplate Self Path Truth
For a long time, I couldn’t figure out which side would advocate taking the self path. I leaned towards N’zeer until Agent Morph TXR13  suggested that, while the glyphs appear to be sent by only the two sides, now that the portals themselves are interacting with the human population, human thoughts could be influencing the portal messages. Fields affect the minds within the field. It makes sense that the humans—especially sensitives—around the portals could send their own messages out subconsciously.
What do you think? Am I on point with what the two sides want with our eventual ascension?
The next post will examine the glyph themes of Aggression and Safety.
I want to thank Agent JediLight  (Michel Barbour ) for a lot of behind the scenes information on glyphs and the history of them. While there isn’t a lot of verifiable facts, there is a lot of historical data.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Hank Johnson Stein Lightman 


  1. I still believe that the N'Zeer's "individuality" is a trap, of sorts. It is no better for me to be an "individual" if I am but a carbon copy of all the other "individuals" out there. What makes me different, what makes me unique, cannot be described by a universal set of mathematical equations. And let us remember, the N'Zeer believe that everything is explainable with mathematics.

    Conversely, I wouldn't mind becoming part of a collective, if I can share in the perspectives and insights that other unique individuals can contribute. In a way, that is how any team should function--a group of individuals come together and become a single "entity" ostensibly working towards a nominal purpose. That should not require the obliteration of one's individuality, and doing so would certainly make the group weaker.

    The "group mind" or "collective" of the Shapers seems, to me, to be a better place for the individual than the cookie-cutter stamping of the N'Zeer.

    As far as your assessments of what the overall theme of the groupthink specific to the Shapers or the N'Zeer, I largely agree with you. Your observations are backed up by what was revealed in Ingress: Origins--where XM seems to inspire two different reactions in living beings. One group will be inspired with creativity, and the other will be inspired with something akin to fear. The two groups of rats split into those making creative structures, and those making fortresses for protection.

    If I were to speculate on the source of "Contemplate Self Path Truth," I would suggest either humanity (as you have considered) or the Shapers. If one values the individual, unique experience that contributes to the collective whole, I would expect that one would also encourage individuals to find their own path to the destination, so they might gain unique experience and insight along the way. If, on the other hand, one believes that everything can be represented by mathematics, then there is no point to acquiring unique experiences--everything is captured within your equations already, whether or not it has been experienced by any one being.

  2. Contemplate self path truth, wouldn't that mean Contemplate which path is true for your self? Which path is right for you? I think that is a human concept. Neither the N'zeer or Shapers advocate that as far as I have seen. So Jennifer Brozek​, I believe you are on track with human thought influencing what the glyphs coming through the are. There is no evidence that a collective would ever let you choose your own path, even if you maintain some semblance of self as the N'zeer seem to be saying, because you are always a part of the collective. This seems to be advocating an individual. That is purely human.

  3. Great post, interesting catch on the difference of that particular glyph.


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