
Hello! We have created a survey for the Obsidian Artifacts/NL-1331 event series. This survey is for everyone & is being done so that we may gather information to pass along to Niantic.

There is more depth to this survey than you would see at first glance - so allow us to explain a little.  It should be obvious that a big chunk of what we hope to accomplish with this survey is, literally, feedback about the event. HOWEVER - there are two other big components:

[One] - we feel that we have potentially discovered a mechanic that Niantic could add to future NL events, specifically the notion that "quest missions" go live that day, and are tied into the overall NL event. Such possible future offerings would not necessarily need to be in partnership with Project Isthmus.  The second to last question deals with this... (AND the last question on the survey is a free-form feedback box, where you can chime in with greater detail on your feelings surrounding this.)

[Two] - the final free-form feedback box also allows you to say, quite literally, anything you want us to know about this event.  Some topics that have come up in private discussions are things like "faction vs individual competition", "complexity of mission", “start time of mission”, “count of missions” etc.. PLEASE take advantage of this opportunity to log your official feedback. 

Also, as long as there are still redeems left on it... you will be rewarded with a code at the end of the survey! :-) (UPDATE: Code is now fully redeemed. We hope you will continue to do the survey anyways.)


  1. Smak Takular​ I saw your comment about the code, its presented at the end of the survey. Edit your response then just submit again (no actual changes needed) and it redisplays that end/confirmation page. Also, thank you for participating in both the event and the survey!

  2. My code says Fully Redeemed despite having just filled out the survey.

  3. Mike McDaniel ok, thanks for letting us know. That means that code (the only code for the survey) is now FR. We weren't able to have it spit out a unique one for each person, we were only able to use one main one. It looks like this one held up for a long time, but is now used up.


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