Some Project Isthmus (And Other) Resources You May Not Be Aware Of

Some Project Isthmus (And Other) Resources You May Not Be Aware Of

It's been an exciting week for us here - LOTS of new members! We are so happy to have you join!  We wanted to make another post to let you know we also have a Project Isthmus Street Team Hangouts channel.  We have issued one challenge thus far, with Ivan Heffner taking first place!

If you would like to be added to that Hangouts, just leave a comment here and we will plop you in.

ALSO - we wanted to be sure all our new members are aware of the primary Ingress resources for (Ingress) "story line" - specifically the website AND the G+ community Operation Essex:

Update: Mustafa Said has written this incredibly helpful resource, we wanted to add it to this post:

Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda B Andrew Krug


  1. If this is not only limited to the US, count me in :)

  2. Ravyn Paris technically we ask you to post this on the other thread, but this still counts. Great job doing the mission!

  3. Doug Osborne can you send me a private message with your email address? Sometimes Hangouts can't pull up the correct contact on the list, using email address fixes that. We won't display it anywhere. ;-)

  4. Any special missions for NL1331 Louisville?

  5. Susan Giovengo We wish we could have had an event in literally each NL stop on this tour, but since this was the "first run" at everything we had to limit it to just the four stops this time. We really appreciate everyone's interest in all of this and we hope that it paves the way for a bunch more activities that are similar in the near future. That being said, we do not have any more dates for the Artifacts on this current NL trip. Ethan Lepouttre Linda B November Lima Niantic

  6. Matt Stevenson Thanks for response.  Maybe run into you and team at one of these events!

  7. Project Isthmus Matt Stevenson
    Thanks for gear code!


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