After my meeting with the Acolyte, as promised, I'm posting the answer to the question everyone submitted, the time...

Originally shared by Ana Prados (Laria)

After my meeting with the Acolyte, as promised, I'm posting the answer to the question everyone submitted, the time I have with her was limited, so no all the question has been answered. I have also resume my impression on the meeting at the end.

Mustafa Said 
I would like to know just how she had grown so close to +Roland Jarvis​ to the point that she was able to surpass him as the spiritual leader of the Enlightenment 
She told me that even when they have different means, they want to achieve the same destination. He understood that and that's why she is her successor

Mustafa Said   and  Mike Wissinger 
I would also like to know what knowledge she possesses on the matter of Mazz and her untimely demise
She can't answer that now, but she says, that everything will be revealed on time

*What is the current state of Roland Jarvis  now that the sensitives have been respawned as simulacra*
She does not know, she can communicate with him but is not aware of his state

Steven Callahan 
Acolyte, can you tell you are not yet our chosen leader? Have you heard enough concerns to recognize the trepidation
Yes, but she think that reaching out with empathy to all of us will make us see that she is a worthy leader. That is one of the reason she is on Vienna 

Share your vision so that we understand where you wish to lead us
As above, she think that reaching out to everyone with empathy will, on time make them realize that you have your best intentions for them and help you on consequence.

Ask to comment on ADA and Jahan's vision, where they are going, and why it's vision it better
Jahan promised too much, she promised a magic technology that will fix all humanity problems. Technology is good and has help humanity go very far but it not a magic pill to solve all out problem. We need the wisdom that the shapers (our friends, on her words) will provide us with to help ourselves use it to solve said problems. Shapers don't offer a free magic pill but the wisdom to use what we have to solve our problems and reach the ultimate

Auros Harman 
How does she explain the apparent conflict between public messages of "peace and enlightenment" and these recordings?
War and peace speak different languages, some people does not understand very well the language of peace, reaching them with a language they understand will on time get them to understand your language and on that moment you will see that your mission has succeeded and they have reach enlightened.

Achim S. 
What secret his hidden in the cabin Jarvis used to be there often?
When i asked this question, i got a interesting look from her, the kind of look you get from your mother when you keep insisting on something, she already told you she can't give you, i told her that many people have asked me to ask the question, so i needed to ask it. after that she went back to smile and told me that, of course, they were right to ask, but that is something that needed to stay between Jarvis and her. She could not reveal the information without breaking her promise.

What or who is the Ultimate?
imagine all people being able to reach to you and you being able to reach them back, the ultimate is the ultimate way to reach everyone and being able to fill them with love and compassion. That the ultimate.

My own question:
What distinguished you from Jarvis, why did you reach to ADA when he wanted to destroy her?
She told me that Jarvis and her have different ways to reach the same destination and that is OK, she thinks his way is as valid as well (and she seem a little apologetic) but that if we reach anyone and everyone with the empathy they deserve, they all will see your good will and help you on return, all the above, of course include ADA, that why she reached to her on her moment on need.

I'm really sorry to Steven Wilson and Ariel Diana, as I could not ask their question. I was given very limited time and I did my best, sorry guys.

On general my meeting with the Acolyte in Vienna left me a good feeling behind, she did not behave as the extremist I was expecting, but as a reasonable person that believes on Empathy as a way to go forward on the world. I was surprised on how much I like her, but the investigator part of myself keep asking if this is a real feeling or it has been caused/influenced by the XM around the area.


  1. Ana Prados​ this is a fantastic write up, of a great interview! Thank you for sharing it with us here. I really enjoyed reading it.

  2. She can communicate with him. That means so much to me right now!


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