Glyph Talk 4/5 - Glyph Theme: Chaos Versus Harmony

Glyph Talk 4/5 - Glyph Theme: Chaos Versus Harmony
In this fourth post about glyphs, I will be discussing the Glyph Themes of Chaos and Harmony. To get caught up, you can read the first three glyph posts:
Glyph Talk 1/5 – The Senders
Glyph Talk 2/5 – Glyph Theme: Togetherness
Glyph Talk 3/5 – Glyph Theme: Aggression Versus Safety
As before, the glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. There appears to be two themes in conflict with each other: Harmony/Peace and Chaos. It is clear that the concept of Harmony/Peace comes from the Shapers side of the equation. It is not clear what the word “Chaos” is referring to, though it seems to both a N’zeer warning against the Shapers and a Shaper warning against the N’zeer. Between the two concepts, Harmony is a simple one (if hard to get to) while Chaos is complex and means too many different things based on context.
The concept of Harmony/Peace appears to reference the Shapers and ascending beyond the human form as well as avoiding war in order to view each other with equality. You appear to find this harmony through interaction with the Shaper Portals.
==>Shapers Mind Complex Harmony
==>Restrain Path Gain Harmony
==>Peace Path Nourish Present
One thing I can understand is that Chaos—no matter who is using the word—is a bad thing and the portals, as they are, is a good thing. They help block/stop(?) the chaos from either happening or coming into this world.
==>All Chaos Inside Body
==>Chaos Barrier Shaper Portal
==>Shaper Portal Chaos Barrier
==>XM Die Chaos Live
When the Shapers use the word “Chaos” it seems to be referring to either the N’zeer’s want of aggression to improve the self or to focus on the individual. But, this is not clear. This is my best guess. Chaos could mean disorganization or the loss of harmony. Being stuck with the Chaos of the body.
==>Avoid Chaos Repair Potential War
==>Lose Shaper Message Gain Chaos
When the N’zeer use the word “Chaos” as a warning against the Shapers, I cannot tell what they are warning us from. There is no context for the Chaos in their messages. My best guess is the Shapers’ way of doing things. If you understand what the N’zeer senders mean by “Shaper Chaos” please let me know. I want to understand what message they’re trying to impart.
==>Avoid Chaos Avoid Shaper Lie
==>Less Truth More Chaos
==>Shapers Chaos Pure Harm
Then there is the concept of the “Human Chaos” in the grand scheme of things. Again, I cannot understand what the message is suppose mean. I don’t know which side is sending these messages. I can guess.
==>Ignore Human Chaos Lie (Shaper – Ignore the chaos of the body.)
==>Imperfect XM Message Human Chaos (N’zeer – Not understanding our messages make humans do unwanted things.)
Over all, the word Chaos appears to mean many things—biology, too many emotions, the Shaper way of doing things, the N’zeer way of doing things. It is based on a set of memetic contexts we don’t yet understand. Harmony appears to be the simple idea of rising above the self to avoid war and the body’s needs, to ascend.
Unfortunately, this leaves me with more questions than answers. If you have the answers, I want to know what they are.

flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Hank Johnson Andrew Krug H. Richard Loeb Stein Lightman


  1. Chaos seems to represent both disordered society or psychology as well as chaotic matter's degenerative mutagenic effects. Some of the messages from both sides (Lose Shaper Message Gain Chaos, Shapers Chaos Pure Harm) seem to imply that their competitors are risking a dangerous shift in the ordered:chaotic XM ratio.  If XM is in fact a phenomenon that responds to human thought (as the differentiated effects various sensitives might imply) then internal harmony as a defense against chaos might provide context for several sequences.

  2. I am still intrigued by the idea that humans are injecting glyphs, and wondering if any chaos/peace sequences would be better evaluated from that viewpoint.

  3. Give me your best thoughts, Roy Alderman. What do you think it is means if the human mind is injecting them into the portal?

  4. Within Chaos I can see Easy and Outside by a dissection of the glyph itself. Maybe there is an aspect that natural Chaos coming from Outside (I'm thinking of a shell right now) and that Chaos should be taken Easy.

  5. I'm thinking along the same lines as Roy Alderman , at least high-level. Are humans now affecting the messages? Earlier you talked about the senders... and the consensus seemed to be that we know there are at least two groups of senders, maybe more... So humans as a third group would make sense.  Along those lines - seems that perhaps there are two big groupings of humans - (LOL, no not toads and smurfs) those who can intentionally affect the messaging, and those who accidentally affect the messaging. I don't know that in his current state he is able to pull it off, but a past Stein Lightman seems like the type who could affect it in an intentional way. (Ok, perhaps liberal use of "human", but just for discussion sake.)  Still, what about those more main-stream agents who are intensely interested in the portals messages? Ishira Tsubasa comes to mind.  Could she be unintentionally affecting the messages we see? If so - I would assume that there MUST be some chaos in the transmission.  What if "chaos" not only means "chaos" - but also serves as a "data not fully communicated" place holder?

  6. I believe that the glyphs are in fact part of the double blind experiment mentioned by Carrie Campbell before Cassandra. Thus, the scanner is not merely passing on messages, but parsing, refining, and testing exposure to these messages on users of the scanner. 

    This would explain the random nature of the glyph messages, as well as the fact that their interpretation is all over the map and ambiguous.

    The scanner is synthesizing general themes, exposing us to them in glyph form, and then asking us to repeat and perhaps amplify these sequences.

    Are we misinterpreting the sequences and creating conflict?

  7. I have also long been suspicious of Stein Lightman's process. He is notoriously closemouthed about how he arrives at the interpretations that he does.

    One answer to this question could be that the interpretation of glyphs is discovered through experimentation on human subjects, as above.

    Not all glyphs are found in the scanner. Some are only in powerful artifacts. Might some structures be more difficult to handle than others?

  8. I may not be able to study them at the moment but I think the idea or theory as it is that agents can effect the glyphs is interesting and has some possibly truth to it. Take what Typhoon Jim​ has said on the double blind experiment. What if they are paying attention to what we are getting right? What messages or glyphs we more solidly relate with, the ones we know and get right almost instantly. Any one i know in game, even ones who don't pay attention, know what the glyph sign chaos is and gets it right on their scanners. Maybe attention to those glyphs is causing more messages with them or at least making them more active?

    We are paying much more attention to the glyphs than we ever have, maybe just maybe that's changing things as well.

  9. I have to find a paragraph I read that explained was 1 paragraph in one of the 7 books....that wasn't helpful but I will see what I can dig up for you Jennifer Brozek​

  10. Semi-photographic memory I can see the position and length of it but not the words or book it was in....may take a was in a conversation between two people a well...


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