I was very pleased to receive a passcode from Project Isthmus following my discussion with Jennifer Brozek​.

I was very pleased to receive a passcode from Project Isthmus following my discussion with Jennifer Brozek​.

Project Isthmus is doing very valuable work. Glyphs are becoming increasingly significant. It appears that understanding the nature, meaning and power of glyphs is going to be crucial to the upcoming struggle of Aegis Nova. No investigator can any longer afford to treat glyphs as a mere curiosity; they are integral to profound mysteries that effect us all.

I encourage other agents to join the investigation and possibly the street team as well. Project Isthmus has the resources to reward and protect agents who assist them in their crucial work.


  1. Thank you very much for the post Steven Wilson and especially mentioning the Street Team. For those who may not know, that is our Hangouts chat. If you are not in it, and you'd like to be - please leave a comment here stating you'd like to be added, and we will add you. :-) Stein Lightman

  2. Add request here too ^^ ty and keep up the great work!

  3. Added! (And thank you Claudia León Ch. , we appreciate your kind words!)

  4. Matt Stevenson Is project isthmus ENL only?

  5. TrIsten Bordagaray we are cross-faction all the way! One of our six original founders is RES, and even just a couple days ago Vicki Ellen​ teamed up with us for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ s global challenge. (Thanks again Vicki!)

    Here is a post we made a few weeks back on this, too, as its an important topic to us here: https://plus.google.com/+MattStevensonBigMatty/posts/1D6dycexJ26

    Let me know if you want added to the Hangouts 😉

  6. Matt Stevenson I'd love to be added to the chat!

  7. I'd love to help in whichever way I can with your valuable and under appreciated work! Please add me :)

  8. I'll bite. We have seen the shaper glyphs exert influence on things. Why have the N'zeer not communicated in the same way? Or are their communications not being noticed? Something tells me that I might have to get that darn badge leveled finally.


  10. Nice Marmot what does "aid earth earnestly" mean?


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