Interesting local phenomenon - XM showing more along local trails, regardless of portal presence.

Interesting local phenomenon - XM showing more along local trails, regardless of portal presence. Generally speaking, it looks like more trail activity means more XM. The winding trail with 2 partially deployed portals at the bottom has not previously shown any XM. The publicly accessible track has been an obvious oval for several months.

Originally shared by Melissa Glasser

Interesting XM distribution pattern showing up locally. Along area trails - more trail use, more XM.


  1. That has been happening a long time.... at least the 16 months I've been playing.

    What is new mow is that portals don't spew xm anymore

  2. Ambient XM is based on cellphone usage, especially taps to non-phone uses, such as internet or navigational programs.

    It's always been high along paths and highways, and pools in places with high cellphone usage.

  3. We have patterns like this here all around. They are (ingame) produced by creative minds or (out of game) by cellphone usage as Gaffer Venar already explained.

  4. In the first couple of years, as Gaffer Venar mentions, scattered XM could be found all over, in concentrations where (at the time) Android phones with location service active lingered (homes, business, public spaces). This was whether or not the Android owner played was fed from Google's own location tracking metadata. The more devices with location services, the more XM, so mostly from phones and tablets.

    Somewhere I have old scanner screenshots showing an XM oval at a local school running track...lots of folks used it in the evenings for general walking and running. I have another of a ferry dock where the lanes can be distinguished by the lines of XM concentration. It made gathering XM pretty easy. For some reason along the way, however, that was greatly tuned down such that one had to rely on portal proximity or power cubes for XM.

    Now that I see XM populating in houses and businesses and other frequently-used public spaces it looks very familiar from the old days. The portals on the other hand...yeah, new.

  5. Martin Zehetmayer​, I prefer your ingame explanation to my out-of-game explanation. If only this were the case though, preschools and such would be huge fonts of XM. I would appreciate that much more than "location services active".

    I'm a romantic, darnit.

  6. Gaffer Venar​ You are absolutly right. 👍

  7. Really good work, Melissa Glasser. DMing you about it.

  8. Thanks Jennifer Brozek​. Glad to be of help (and the passcode was a nice bonus)


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