Glyph Drill Down: Forget Conflict Accept War

Glyph Drill Down: Forget Conflict Accept War

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Forget Conflict Accept War

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Ishira/ Resistance
Again I have many thoughts on this sequence. I could have done alot with this but I felt this message was much more interesting. First I would like to point out how it is similar, and not at the same time, as the first sequence. There is an obvious command in this glyph but unlike our last one it is not necessarily directed to us or a specific being. That makes these glyphs a little more interesting. We could again be listening in on a conversation rather than having it directed at us. Beings arguing and one finally saying “enough focus on the war”. But it could also be directed to us as well. To me, in this context, I see it as our leaders telling us to ignore a conflict and accept that we are at war and need to focus on that alone. Whatever orders we are given we should listen to for the greater goal.

But What conflict are they talking about? A conflict of feelings and emotions? An internal conflict in our factions? It is a very broad term. We do not know what the conflict is and the conflict may be different for each of us. But we know we are being told to ignore it and to move on to the War ahead.

As an investigator though, this sequence has a completely different meaning to me personally. I see the sequence as trying to redirect our attention. We have come across something that may be a conflict of interest and thus we are being told to focus on someone else's goal. Our thoughts are not shared or accepted and therefore are a conflict themselves. So I take it as I need to ignore these thoughts, and that I need to pay specific attention to the war itself rather than the causing and story underneath it. I could go much further into the many different reasons but I believe this message I have for you should be left to stand on its own. How does this affect me as an agent? It just makes me more curious and makes me want to dig for more.

@Tsildar/ Enlightened
This glyph sequence seems to point to the idea that people forget the parts while still accepting the whole. We, as a civilization, tend to forget the battles and smaller sacrifices made and have begun to accept war and the change that it brings as a part of life.

I do not feel there is one specific side that is sending this message. It appears to bear more of an emotional weight rather than a direct message. It instills a feeling of a saddened resigned sigh. As if to show a hanging head that has accepted the fate that war is a constant.

@essayons75/ Resistance
This sequence has two meanings for me. Both encourage the viewer to move forward in the battle and accept that conflict, though inevitable, should not affect the "war". The first interpretation being that conflict is a natural consequence while out warring against your opponents and should be forgotten when done. The second is that when you accept war the concept of "conflict" should be left behind completely. I take this sequence as a mantra to Forget all personal Conflict when interacting with your scanner and to Accept the War of battling for your side.

It's very interesting to me how the glyph for "Accept" also means "Open". In this sequence there is very little difference between the meanings. Open war being an acknowledged and official full out war between two groups.

Considering that the Shapers want to forge humans into peaceful, mind-controlled drones, I don't see how this could be from them. (sorry, Resistance here) The N'zeer seem to have more need to encourage acceptance of war.

@Tamrael/ Enlightened
When I first got the sequence I asked myself "why would anyone accept war" but then I realised this sequence can be interpreted in two major ways. The first is the most obvious. The sequence is meant to manipulate the reader into forgetting the conflict and accepting the war so the sender of the sequence has one mindless soldier more to fight for him. Which leaves one major question: who is the sender? Shapers? N'Zeer? No matter whom it came from this kind of manipulation would lead to a fatal end for humanity as wars fought without reason and remembering the conflict that started it would lead to an endless war.

The second possible meaning came to me some time after getting it. The sequence could be a warning. A reminder that if we forget the conflict we would accept the war without reason and end. Which would be a less alarming message but could be misinterpreted. In the end, it does not matter where the sequence came from. For me, it is a reminder that we can never let ourselves be manipulated into being mindless soldiers. Every single one of us should ask himself what he fights for and where the end to this fight is. How far should we go in a war for XM? For me the answer is clear. XM is to powerful to leave it in the hands of organisations and constructs that seek power trough it but we should never hurt another human if it is not absolutely necessary.

@GaanEden/ Enlightened
Again, our roundtable participants have brought out a couple of ideas that had not occurred to me. The first, these messages were never intended for us. It is a communication network that we are eavesdropping on. Though, if it was that in the beginning, it isn’t anymore. The second, ACCEPT also means OPEN. A message about forgetting the reason behind the fighting and just accepting that you are to fight “the enemy.”

I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb


  1. This was an amazing sequence to do! extra thoughts on this sequence. I believe that we're close to finding the true conflict of this war. Not a conflict between us but between those who lead us and we fight for. Better yet the true reason why the Shapers and N'zeer are at war with each other. We are too close to it therefore we are being detoured from finding it

  2. I have a thought about these messages. I do not think anything less than 5 glyphs is a complete measage. I believe they are only partial messages and ahould be taken as such. I base this on the low level portals I have hacked. I.E. a single glyph that said simply "die." I do not believe that was an actual message in and of itself. I have always seen "die" in relation to a portal having a lack of xm. So, I think all messages that do not come from a L8 portal are not complete measages. Just a thought anyway. I would be interested on Ishira's thoughts on this theory to see if she can compare the mesaages from 5 glyphs to anything less to see if that theory would hold.

  3. An interesting theory and actually one I thought of before I wrote my response to this. But the issue is finding the 5 sequence that is suppose to represent this 4 sequence. Forget War See Distance Harmony and Forget Past See Present Danger are the only two 5 sequence glyphs recorded so far that are similar to this and I am leaning toward Forget Past See Present Danger being the one that represents this 4 set more. It has the same core message to it, forget something that's started the problem now.

    There are smaller sequences like 2 or 3 glyphs that I've seen be expanded into larger ones so I don't think its too far of stretch to say this one could be as well. As far as whether or not these sequences are 'complete' I'd have to argue that they are, even if they arnt a 5 glyph sequence. Each sequence is individual and stands on its own no matter the lvl, I believe. That's why in some cases you won't get specific glyphs in say a one glyph sequence.

    Take for example 'capture portal' . It stands on its own. We know what it means, we understand it, we don't need further explanation to believe this sequence is not complete. It can stand on its own, it can be complete on its own. It makes sense... Now look at a more complex version of this. 'Capture portal defend portal courage'. Yes it can stand on its own, but at the same time not. Why? In my opinion I'm am questioning the complexity of the 5 glyph sequence more. It doesn't seem finished to me. It's not as coherent to me as well. Portals have courage? They are alive? Maybe not but without grammar or some sort of indication what type of courage this sequence is talking about we have to guess. It is not as clear as the 2 part glyph but it does make us think. Maybe in a way the steps of the glyphs are training us to advance how we think with each additional glyph. Or maybe my sleep deprived mind is going another ramble again ;)

  4. This is something I have thought alot about. The meaning behind the messages like shapers/want/human/mind/future


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