Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:


What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@wikkedimp/ Enlightened
Like most people, I add words to the sequences to help in my understanding, so with this in mind, let’s start. I think that with this sequence everything hinges on one word: mind.

Shapers want human(s) mind(s) (for) future (use).

The word, mind, here basically refers to our ability to think or feel. To remember and make decisions. This seems pretty straight forward. A warning from the N’zeer. We are in danger of losing our minds, our very being to a being we know nothing about. To be used as the Shapers see fit. The Shapers are dangerous and we must watch out, or risked being “shaped.”(Which, depending on your outlook, can be either good or bad)

Shapers want human(s) (to) mind (the) future

This is how I would prefer to read this sequence. "Mind" here seems to suggest to be aware of or to focus. So, again, pretty straight forward. It still is a warning but this time from the Shapers. It is a basic, “look before you leap,” type of warning. We need to be aware of the choices we make and the paths we take. The Shapers are trying to remind us of this. Mind the future, focus on our goals. To remember that each decision we make decides our future.

@essayons75/ Resistance
Translated this way, the sequence states that the Shapers want to control the future minds of humanity and it is a warning sent by the N'zeer. The purpose being to convince humanity that the Shapers are trying to subvert the future of mankind through mind control. This sequence makes the human mind want to fight against whatever is seeking to subvert self governance.

It is interesting to note that (as happens often) changing one glyph in this sequence can cause very different meanings. "Want" also means "Desire" and, though not seemingly a large change, can make the sentence feel different. From a simple statement that the Shapers are trying to control the minds of humans to implying the Shapers desire human future thought. Say these out loud: "Shapers Want Human Mind Future", "Shapers Desire Human Mind Future". They sound different don't they?  A simple variation that does not impact the glyphs themselves has a measureable impact on how they are perceived.

@profAsshat/ Enlightened
The message could imply that Shapers want to control the future of human minds. One could interpret this in the sinister terms of mind-hacking, and control.

If, however, we posit the existence of multiple timelines, other possibilities emerge. The Shapers might want a future where human minds follow the path of enlightenment. In this sense, minds can be thought of metaphorically, as in, winning the "hearts and minds" of humanity. I believe that this is the sense that the message was intended. The Shapers don't desire compliance born of coercion. They want our minds to reveal their truth, to understand their path and their gift.

@Ishira/ Resistance
Of course, as a Resistance member, the first message I see from this is negative. Shapers want to control our minds in the future. They want to control us and not just us but our minds, our thoughts, what makes us intelligent. And what would they do with our minds? It sparks an anger and defiance beyond that of previous sequences. As a Resistance member it solidifies my belief that Shapers want to control me and i should not give up the fight with them. But this is only a vague surface message, and once again i am not just a Resistance member.

We need to keep in mind that the glyphs are not a full or complete language. Some words are used to represent larger, more complex, words while others are the closest representation they could be. This is a problem simply because some words can and are most likely suppose to mean completely different things.  

Shapers want humans to be mindful of the future. Can you see how easily that was changed by adding to only one of the words?  With this definition I am not spurred into anger or battle. This definition makes me think, challenges my mind. What is in the future that I should be thinking of? Should I be thinking of my future and what i want it to be? I cant see into the future but i can change the present to effect my future and this definition makes me want to look at what I can now. Who would be sending this though? Honestly I feel we are still overhearing a conversation. We all know there are glyphs that represent ‘us’ and ‘you’ and yet they are not used in these sequences. Why not? Why dont we see these glyphs in our scanner? I think its because they arent actually talking to us, the humans. Thank you again for allowing me to share my thoughts on the glyphs. I enjoy it thoroughly.  

@GaanEden/ Enlightened
My personal thought on this sequence is that the Shapers want to influence how the human mind evolves. The apparent choice is one of psychic evolving (Shapers) or rebirth through simulacrums and repeated lives (N'Zeer). This thought is built upon "Shapers See Potenital Evolution."

In all cases, the members of our Glyph Drill Down Roundtable have given me food for thought.

I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb


  1. Some excellent thoughts!

    I think it is very interesting that both @wikkedimp and Ishira Tsubasa​ interpret the message in terms of being "mindful" off the future. That this conclusion was reached by two agents from different factions is particularly notable.

    It is also commendable that Ishira, as always, eschews the apparent surface meaning, especially when, as in this case, the apparent message would would support Resistance presuppositions/prejudices. As an Enlightened agent, I admire your objectivity and honesty Ishira and I am very happy to support your work. Also, I remain intrigued by your theory that this is an overheard conversation. At the very least, your observation that glyphic pronouns have never been found in scanner messages gives us something to ponder.

    @essayons75 I am not surprised that you interpret this message as a warning from the N'Zeer. While I disagree, I respect that interpretation and acknowledge that it is perfectly plausible. I appreciate your attention to the subtleties of "feeling" that substituting a single connotation of a single glyph can have on the entire phrase.

    @GaanEden I think you are correct in your conclusions. The Shapers most certainly wish to influence the development of human thought. Whether this is for our betterment and compatible with our free will, as the Enlightened believe, an abusive, self-serving mind-hacking by transdimensional parasites, or something in between is the deeper mystery.

    Thanks for running this. I'm always happy to help. @profAsshat

  2. This is a sequence I have had some thoughts about as well.

    There are a pair of sequences in L7 that read "Humans Past Present Future" and "Shapers Past Present Future".

    I feel that the concept of time, when it comes to Shapers, is malleable (think about Shapers in Rust Cohle's famous monologue about time from True Detective, and doesn't the whole thing gain some new meaning?) Another take on all of this could be that if Shapers are simultaneously past, present and future, they also want humans to possess the same viewpoint.

  3. Consider also: Shapers Mind Complex Harmony, Mind Equals Truth

  4. Thank you Steven Wilson and Jennifer Brozek. I thoroughly enjoy these and i believe if we always look at things one way we are only going to see them one way. I prefer to take a step back and try to look at what the entirety of the message may mean... Mainly how it could be misunderstood and go from there. Ive always lived in the believe there is always more than one way to define and see something and strive to find that way. I do enjoy reading others thoughts as it helps me further my thought process on these matters. Each of us has opinions, feelings and overall knowledge that is important to learn from. If i was not open to that, i could not continue my ventures in glyphing. I am also incredibly happy to see other glyphers within these posts and seeing how alike we think on these sequences. It definitely makes me feel right at home!

    I love how each of us focused on one thing within the sequence and while some of it was similar our thought patterns were not completely on the same page. It shows the diversity of what a sequence can mean even between members of the same faction. You can see what we are passionate about and what message resonated within ourselves and its fascinating. I look forward to the ones we and other agents do in the future. Thank you again for letting me be a part of it.

  5. It is always informative and awesome to read about different thoughts to the glyph sequences. Thank you Jennifer Brozek​ for these great Drill Downs!


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