This appeared one hour ago on Ingress´s G+community. Don´t know what to make of it, but I´ll try my best.

This appeared one hour ago on Ingress´s G+community. Don´t know what to make of it, but I´ll try my best.

Originally shared by N'zeer Ambassador “Asael” Syphax


  1. Achim S.​ Ishira Tsubasa​ ..? ☺

    Thank you thedeacon 1972​!

  2. Matt Stevenson​ Me and Martin Zehetmayer​ are talking with 5Hodai on this threat. Come and join us!

  3. Do you believe them to be true? I'm reading but I don't know what to think.

  4. I'm not sure what to think myself, reading the comments.... I'd like to see what other information he comes up with so I will follow him. He definitely knew how to get our attention.

  5. Ishira Tsubasa​ glyphs always get our attention 😉

  6. I always take new Information a little bit sceptical. But his answers are consistent until now. My gut feeling tells me that he is what he claims to be. But that's no proof, I know.

  7. Achim S.​ very true lol thedeacon 1972​ I find it very interesting that theories the investigators have discussed are being touched in his comments.... This either means he is who he says or he has either paid close attention to the investigations or is an investigator

  8. It's interesting. Please keep on it. I have some traveling soon and won't be able to watch as carefully as I'd like.


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