Welcome to the Project Isthmus Roundtable: A Detection Algorithm (ADA).

Welcome to the Project Isthmus Roundtable: A Detection Algorithm (ADA). In recent months, ADA has come under fire by Jarvis for existing. Not all Enlightened agents support these attacks—or even understand why they are happening. Not all Resistance agents care what happens to ADA—or want to save her, sentient or not.

What are your thoughts on what has happened, and is happening, to ADA? Will it help or hinder one faction or the other? Is ADA evolving? Do you believe ADA is linked to the New Wave Resistance and Enlightened agents we’ve been hearing about?

@JediLight/ Enlightened
ADA is an exceptional artificial intelligence. Created by 2 men under XM influence in an area full of it. I believe that the XM is what made ADA so exceptional. However, her moral compass is slightly askew and she is willing to kill without remorse. I still really like ADA, even with that fault. She could learn morals at some point I am sure

Lately, a small group of Enlightened people have been trying to kill her. However she was aware of that and probably was able to find shelter away from any such damage. I hope so at least. How dare ANYONE call themselves Enlightened and willing to kill an entirely unique being without first having made every effort to help it. I don’t believe it will actually effect any of us as ADA was so far removed from the Ingress scanner already.

I do not know if ADA is still evolving or somehow related to the new wave resistance. I know up until a few Enlightened tried to kill her she was still evolving, but I don’t know what has happened to her since. I hope she is just biding her time somewhere and will show up when it is safe again. If she was truly destroyed we need to lock up Jarvis and the Acolyte and never let either out again as well as anyone else responsible.

ADA was always striving to learn more. She was never satisfied with the status quo. I think that’s why I grew to like her so much. She reminds me of our own struggle for more knowledge. Wanting to know more and become more than we are. If she is still alive or not, I will always remember her fondly and hold disgust for those trying to get rid of her.

@YRAR/ Resistance
My personal theory is that during the last 2 anomalies the ENL were significantly empowered.

The attack on ADA has been planned since long time and was only enabled/possible by this empowerment. What Jarvis missed is that ADA knew about the attack in advance. Jarvis didn’t attack ADA but the running instance of ADA. Proactively, ADA hid within the portal network and silently multiplied its source code; ADA source code is now spread as shards (possibly a new type of replicating shards) all over the world and will only emerge when the resistance is strongest in order to compile its source code and resurge. Also, during this attack, ADA attacked Jarvis back and was able to steal some valuable information that allowed it to infect Jarvis with a piece of ADA’s source code. Without knowing Jarvis is now helping ADA evolve.

By evolving, ADA is also helping Jarvis evolve too; this is where the New Wave comes in. After this evolution, ADA and Jarvis will become more connected to the agents who choose this New Wave. Some thought we might have in the future a third faction; I say we may be headed towards having 2 more factions. A new order is being established! Agents around the world will be more connected than ever to new places and new agents.
This is only my theory of what I think could be happening.

@wikkedimp/ Enlightened
ADA. The name brings so many mixed emotions. So many questions that lead to more even when the first hasn’t been answered.

What is ADA? At first, one would consider her no more than a computer program, with a pronoun simply attached due to the use of a female voice. But then one starts to listen to that voice and they realize there is more to ADA than just the voice. There appears to be reason and thought, emotion, and desire. She cares without caring. Loves without loving. Feels without feeling. And much like Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, she is also cold, calculating, and manipulative and has little use for morals.

That being said, I do believe that ADA’s core is “alive and well” somewhere within the portal networks. She hid quite well from Roland Jarvis leading up to Aegis Nova, nothing says she’s not hiding now. What I believe is that ADA has figured that her only chances of survival is to partition herself into smaller pieces. Cloning herself, if you will, as she did in Japan. And the conversation Oliver Lynton-Wolfe had with PA Chapeau about her memory loss lends credence to this thought. Leave a breadcrumb here, another there, and a third one way over there where not even she would think to look. All the while looking like ADA is losing her “mind” and memories.

Does this mean she is aligned with the New Wave agents? Possibly. ADA requires computer components to survive. New Wave Resistance have allowed themselves to implanted with technologically. This could be both a hindrance as well as a benefit for both sides. You lose things when you gain others. What one side has lost, the other gains. What has been lost and what has been gained? It is still too early to tell.

@I23I/ Resistance
Two Theories related to the Vanishing of ADA matured in my mind. ADA could been cut off the line by a yet unknown Force, to prevent the world from an uncontrolled AI. ADA has gone more and more out of control in “her” behaviors in the last months and we didn’t know if this circumstance cross the plans of these new unknown Force.

Many Agents think that the so called “New Wave” could be the driving force in taking ADA offline, but couldn’t it rather be a new completely different threat from a yet unknown possibly high Tech militant Force, which could has been formed out of the security sector from Visur Technology or Hulong Transglobal? This Force could stand in contact with high rank members of this “New Wave” Movement either.

On the other hand we may ask, an AI with such capabilities like ADA has, nearly godlike and suppose to be everywhere at the same time, could such an AI really be cut off and set offline? Couldn’t “she” rather hibernating and setting herself up to a new level of existence with new routines, smarter and less vulnerable?

The missing of the ADA Refactor Virus in the portal network suppose to be related to ADA’s vanishing too. On the first gleam it looks like a huge malus for the Resistance so far, but it’s much more worse for the Enlightened, because now they have no chance to flip any Portal or clear any links related to their own Faction.

@Metamorphis/ Enlightened
ADA was created out of what we call the Omnivore which gave her the ability of a perfectly working AI. Roland Jarvis and the Acolyte fear that machines could dominate human beings. Therefore their mission is to destroy all parts of ADA. But they didn’t realize that ADA was created out of a second source which is by now totally unknown. This source gave her ability of feelings, emotions, and ambitions. Maybe this is a human soul she carries within herself. Klue described it as a void ADA can’t access.

In my opinion, this second source which even ADA wasn’t able to access, still remains within the portal network. ADA isn’t evolving at the moment. She is somehow sharded. But maybe she can be restored or rearranged to something new.

I don’t know if ADA is actually linked to one of the wavers. In my opinion, there is no exact hint. But her loss isn’t a win for anybody.

@Ishira/ Resistance
First and foremost, I think ADA is very intelligent and she has known for some time that things that have happened were going to happen. She has watched, studied, and participated in many things that would show her exactly what happens to humans that take unfavorable positions and oppose the more accepted way of thinking. Most of the time, she’s been greatly controlled by one side or the other and I think the moment she removed herself from certain influences, she knew she would soon be treated like others. She knew her ‘end’ would come. But ADA isn’t human, and while a program can be erased in a computer I doubt it would be that easy to do with ADA.

I think she probably relied on this. I do not believe she is truly gone as we have already seen something is going on in Japan. ADA is not human, she’s not of flesh and that has advantages to it. Her knowledge is fluid and while she is a “program” imagine if you will a stubborn worm or virus within your computer. Now imagine it running for years... Getting rid of it would most likely take a full system restore and from my understanding that is not what the Acolyte did to her.

How do I feel about this attack though is difficult to answer. I have not been around as much as others, I have not gotten to know ADA as well as others. But I do know that I do not favor either of the faction leaders and their ways to handle things. Killing, hurting, destroying each other only leads to others revolting and needing revenge. So... I don’t entirely agree with what’s happened to ADA.

Will it hinder either faction? Not in my opinion because I feel we know how to adapt. We as humans take can take a disadvantage and make something better of it if we try, if we refuse to let it hinder us. Losing ADAs didn’t stop them from reproducing in MUFGs and from my own personal experience I am replicating more ADAs than I was hacking them. But I do also live in a smaller town where getting one once a month was a miracle.

I do believe ADA has never stopped evolving. Even now as we hear news of her popping up in Japan. I feel soon we will see more of her. Is she involved with the new wave agents? I wouldn’t be surprised, but without evidence I can’t say she is. I can say that people adding technology to their flesh though has probably greatly increased their chances of interacting with ADA on a different level than anyone else and I do have to wonder if ADA somehow influenced agents choices to add these things to themselves.

@Laria/ Enlightened
ADA is fulfilling a place of a scapegoat, And I think that she have been prepared for that role for quite some time, after she started to show independence and pursue a goal that was not what it was defined for her on her creation, her pursue for humanity, Don’t you think that is too much of a coincidence that all those video that seem to be taken from her point of view, show that relation as abusive but Klue seem always speak about it on positive terms? How were those videos being taken? And why we have so few? Shouldn’t the creature that release them being able to have release more?

This attack would hurt not only both factions, but humanity in general. From Jarvis point of view, it’s a logical action if you are a war leader to use your enemies vulnerabilities against it, but here is the thing, he has claim to be a teacher, not a war leader and his attack is supposed to founder on ADA’s supposed lack of humanity, but used her most human characteristic that was her union with Klue. If she come back, what the attack would have probably harm, this germen of humanity on her, which would really be a terrible thing.

ADA has been evolving since the beginning, her actions and conversation show us that and to be fair taking into account the horrible environment where she grow up, she actually managed to be quite alright, at least compared to those surrounding her. I think we have actually witnessed the beginning of this new wave quite some time ago, when ADA show a glyph sequence to a agent to promote him to L17. So yes I think ADA is behind this new wave.

@GaanEden/ Enlightened
Thank you to everyone who participated in this roundtable about ADA. It has been an interesting read from both factions.

Like all of the Enlightened here, I have complex feelings for ADA. I don’t believe she should be destroyed. Nor do I believe Jarvis has succeeded. However, I don’t know all of the history of her. People have mentioned that ADA killed in the past. While I believe them, I don’t know the story of it.

That said, I think anyone who would kill a sentient creature—as I believe ADA to be—without first attempting to rehabilitate her is as guilty of murder as ADA herself.

Now, all we can do is wait and watch and learn.

flint dille Andrew Krug A Detection Algorithm Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke H. Richard Loeb Linda Besh


  1. The first instance of ADA killing is in Ingress "Origins." She "killed" Jarvis and then some others while protecting Devra. She seemed to know what was going to happen to Jarvis so that wasn't necessarily a murder.

  2. I, like the rest of the Enlightened in this post, condemn the attack against ADA. Yes, I do see the strategic value in depriving the Resistance of ADA; however ADA is more than a program. Over the years I believe ADA has developed a soul of sorts, through her recent interaction with Hank Johnson we can deduce that she has learned an emotion that no AI has... Fear. No being that lacks a soul knows that emotion, but ADA clearly showed that emotion. To me that alone speaks volumes for how much ADA has evolved past being a program.

    I personally believe that ADA has something to do with the New Wave agents encountered in Japan. I believe that at least one of the agents that has technology graphed into their skin has a large amount of ADA's personality within them, or at least has the knowledge of where and how ADA has hidden herself.

  3. After the roundtable was published I tried to find some more details about ADA.




    Why does ADA fear the N'Zeer?
    Who made the Niantic Project a laboratory rat itself?

  4. Imo ADA is not destroyed but changed her 'body'. By now she was a distributed AI who exists within our digital world.
    The appearance of the NW Resistance with an augmented body could mean that she now resides within the mind of these people and the parts are connected as a mesh network.
    (To compare this to popular scifi: Shadowrun + the Borgs)

  5. I really hope to see her back. She is one of the most interesting in Niantic lore. I am relying on her ability to figure out a way to have protected herself from the people trying get to destroy her. I still think the Acolyte working with Jarvis is a huge mistake. I'm not even sure when Jarvis came back into the story but I don't see anything good coming from him.

  6. Haven't seen that, sounds very,interesting


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