Glyph Drill Down: Close-all Thought Past Present Future

Glyph Drill Down: Close-all Thought Past Present Future

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Close-all Thought Past Present Future

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

Metamorphis / Enlightened
This sequence could be understand as some motivational quote. We should bring our thoughts and ideas to an end and therefore to creativity which can be seen by others. For myself past, present and future as glyphs always built civilization stability. In this case, it could be understand that only if we finish our thoughts/ideas bringing them to creativity we are able to form a civilization with rich culture. Regarding my thoughts I would say that this sequence is send by the Shapers to each Individual.

essayon75 / Resistance
This is a very rare sequence that I have never actually seen in the scanner. Usually this is “Clear-All Thought Past Present Future.” This makes for a major difference in how this is supposed to be interpreted.

This is meant to sway the receiver to block their minds to any distractions and not consider any implications of their actions. I think that the “Clear-All” sequence is meant to be more of a purging of thought to focus the mind on current events or activity. The difference seems to be more intended to get the agent to behave in a more negative way than they normally would.

“Close-All Thought Past Present Future,” in my opinion, is sent by the N’zeer. The Shapers glyph sequences are mostly about opening the mind and allowing an evolution to occur, whereas this is all about doing something without any thought to the actual implications of what may happen.

JediLight / Enlightened
I am still convinced all Glyphs come from the Shapers. There has never been evidence presented by Niantic that anyone else sends Glyphs. So, I think this sequence is fairly straightforward forward. The Shapers are telling us to close our minds. There has been a lot of talk by Resistance wanting us to go to the N’zeer and use their technology. The Shapers want us to use our intuition and guide us slowly rather than the fast pace technology takes us.

We have ADA who was linked to the N’zeer (until Enlightened severed that connection) back and seemingly on the side of resistance again after Via Lux anomaly was marginally lost by Enlightened to the Resistance. If this is indeed the case, then ADA will be helping the Resistance bring forth new technology. This is dangerous because ADA wanted to give humans an “upgrade” and improve us by linking us all together.

The Shapers are trying to protect us by telling us to close our minds. In other words, not to allow ourselves to be influenced by the N’zeer. Technology, while great in small doses, keeps us from our higher purpose of spirituality. Relying on technology for everything keeps us from becoming Enlightened because technology is cold, in that it doesn’t allow us grow as individuals. Just think for a second, how has being on a cell phone or computer allowed you to grow as an individual? Technology doesn’t allow us to grow. It makes certain things easier and better, but our struggles are what help us overcome and reach our potential, or at least lead us in that direction.

The Shapers, in their wisdom, know that technology steers us away from growing. Or, as I am unsure of their true intentions, I might go so far as to say technology, keeps us from the arts and spirituality, which makes portals, which in turn allows the Shapers to shape people. But, that’s just my skeptical nature talking, not my Enlightened self.

Ishira / Resistance
I have a lot of thoughts on this one but again I’ll try to rein them in. The more common variant of this has Clear-All within it but I don’t think that affects the message as much as other variants do. Most variants can change the message dramatically, with this one, not so much. The message seems rather simple, which we know is most likely not the case but compared to the others we have done, it’s intriguing.

It can be seen as calling for us to close our thoughts off to other influences, keeping them from affecting us in some way. But what exactly are we trying to keep from influencing us? It only says past, present, and future but we can speculate that it’s talking about the fighting between us. Maybe it’s calling for us to not allow our past and present battles to affect our future ones and that we need to clear/close our thoughts to take a step back and see the full picture. That we are letting too much of our past, present, and future control us and our actions blindly. I feel there’s some truth in this and it definitely stops me to make me think. In this context it could be seen as a command or suggestion but it’s not clear who it would be from. I can’t say N’zeer or Shapers because I don’t feel that they would want us to ignore all of our past and future battles that fuel the ones we are in now. To me… It seems like a message someone else would give to point out where our current battles are flawed… To try and get us to see something we don’t see in the haze of faction differences.

Another way I see this is almost like directions. To me it seems like a step in meditation, clearing and closing our minds of outside influence to find inner peace for a time. Maybe not a full opening of our mind but just enough to feel calm and step away from the inner chaos of ourselves caused by our battles. It’s a sequence I feel is made to calm us or show us how to calm our minds and again I can’t say this is the goal of either faction… Or maybe it is and we are just grossly misunderstanding the messages our faction leads share. Maybe they are misunderstanding the messages they are getting.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
It’s been a little while since we’ve had one of these. Life makes light of schedules and laughs in the face of plans. Achim (ENL) and Ishira (RES) are helping me run these now.

I’m interested in Close-all Thought Past Present Future because it’s a rare glyph set that has appeared more frequently these past few weeks. I’m going to agree with Ishira on this one. It’s a suggestion to be mindful in the moment. To meditate and to calm your thoughts. The world is chaotic at the best of times. All of us could use a bit of calm, quiet respite. Focus on the self. Learn pranayama breathing techniques. It will help prepare us for what is to come.

I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

flint dille Hank Johnson Andrew Krug Linda Besh Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Agent KodamaSmiles


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