Glyph Drill Down: Answer N’Zeer Question Potential Knowledge

Glyph Drill Down: Answer N’Zeer Question Potential Knowledge

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Answer N’Zeer Question Potential Knowledge

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Ishira / Resistance
Well this one certainly sparks curiosity, more because of the fact that N’zeer is finally being used and in such an interesting way.

Answer the N’zeer’s question for potential knowledge. It doesn’t say anything though about gaining knowledge, just the potential of it... I think in a way it is trying to say we have to look at the question in a specific way to get anything from it and that its possible gaining the knowledge isn’t always the outcome. Maybe it’s like a riddle, where unless it’s understood, it confuses people more. I think the meaning fits the sequence well considering the release of it confuses people more than makes them understand.

For me, it solidifies some beliefs but it does make me wonder what question we need to answer.... Who do I think it’s from though, this shouldn’t be surprising.... I’m not sure it’s from either side, and I can definitely say it doesn’t seem to me that in this context it would be from the N’zeer. I don’t see them talking about themselves in the third person honestly and why would Shapers want us to answer a N’zeer question?

But what if it was like this. Answer! N’zeer question our potential knowledge. It sounds like a command here and then an insult to me. A statement of something rather tired of waiting, questioning how intelligent we are and whether or not we are worth of any more of their time. Like they are questioning if we could even handle anymore knowledge and that the use of the knowledge we have or could have has been wasted. It seems like they are disappointed and have lost faith in us.

In a way it could make more sense here due to how long it took for the sequences to be released to us. Maybe someone is getting impatient with us, maybe we aren’t on the path they expected us to be on already. To me it would make me rather annoyed and not eager to comply and for the first time, I think I would have to say there is a clear alignment with this message. But I think it would be more from someone that supported the N’zeer rather than the N’zeer themselves. These are only some possibilities though and I can’t wait to see what everyone else says.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
This sequence has more questions within itself than answers. First. I asked myself “Should I answer questions from or about the N’Zeer?”. But whatever the answer is, it is about potential knowledge. Knowledge is a central theme of Roland Jarvis, Stein Lightman and Jahan. They all want to “Gain More Knowledge”! Some gain it to protect, others to evolve or to save.

It seems to be a message directly from the N’Zeer. For my understanding we have to study and learn more about them and their goals.

As part of the investigation it is possible that the new emerged glyph sequences want to tell us more. One question is for example: Some of the new glyphs like “Destination” and “Legacy” came as Helios artifacts to us. Now, during the darkest hours of upcoming Techthulu, we can use them. Consciousness?

@JennyWeb / Resistance
There seems to be at least two distinct ways to interpret “Answer N’zeer Question Potential Knowledge,” but in both cases it would be broadly applicable to agents of both factions. Certainly an invitation or entreaty to answer the N’zeer is a pro-Resistance sentiment (or at least to those Resistance agents and leaders who are specifically N’zeer sympathetic), but to the Enlightened it asks them to engage the supposed enemy in a reasonable and rational discourse, as opposed to glyph sequences that mention capturing, attacking, or conflict.

The question though, is the “Question.” Is the glyph sequence referring to a N’zeer question to be answered, or is it advising us to question potential knowledge? In the former case, the sequence seems to read that answering the N’zeer’s question (and what question is that?) will lead to potential knowledge. What’s striking here is that the knowledge is only potential, not guaranteed. It would seem then that the knowledge is dependent on the answer to that question. It could be as simple as, “do you accept knowledge from the N’zeer?” In this case the message is almost certainly coming from the N’zeer directly.

The other way to look at it is that one should answer the N’zeer, but question the potential knowledge. This knowledge presumably comes from the N’zeer, but it is interesting that it would require an answer to them in order to question it. This implies that the questioning isn’t a flat rejection, but more of a conversation, perhaps even an analysis of the knowledge. Something that beings of information like the N’zeer would certainly find familiar and would likely welcome. It tells us to discuss with them about the potential knowledge they offer, perhaps before accepting it. This sort of message could also come from the N’zeer, but it might come from other allied interests who might still advise some caution with the N’zeer (such as ADA). I usually feel that ambiguity in a glyph sequence is part of the design, and here is no exception. I believe that both interpretations are compatible and possibly even intentional. The glyph language is far more nuanced than our simple transliterations can embody, and I would never be surprised by a multi-layered message like this. In my conclusion, this sequence invites us to receive knowledge from the N’zeer, but to do so actively by engaging them in conversation and questioning what we hear.

@KoshTheRipper / Enlightened
I think that this glyph sequence obviously means that if you answer the N’zeer’s questions, you’ll gain some ‘profound knowledge.’ I am an outside influence skeptic and I approach sequences like this with extreme caution. I am pretty certain that the sender are the N’zeer from the other side of the portal network. With sequences like this, you had to be receptive to the messages to begin with to be open to the affects of them. In my experience with gamma wavelength research, once a person is in alignment (getting onto the gamma wavelength) everything would flow from that vantage point, I compare it to climbing up a mountain which the only portion you can see is the summit of the mountain until you reach your target goal and then your eyes are gifted with the view from the top of the mountain and you see everything open up to you. :) That is what it is like getting onto the gamma wavelength, you’re climbing a mental mountain and after you hit the wavelength, you are treated to the experiences of that effect.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I’m very much with everyone who focus on “potential knowledge.” It’s much like “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.” Could be that the water is poisoned. Could be that this potential knowledge could be more harmful than good.

The first part of it “Answer N’zeer’s Question” reminds me very much of a sci-fi show where a technological wonder showed up and started asking all kinds of questions. The people raced to answer them, but the captain got a hunch and told them to not send the answers. Once the countdown ended, the ship started to fly away. The captain then had the answers relayed. The technological wonder exploded. It had been a machine designed to seek out intelligent life and then kill it if it was too advanced. It was a way to limit space explorers.

So… what actually happens if we answer the N’zeer’s question? “Potential Knowledge” is the dangled treat. Is there a stick waiting in the wings?

I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
flint dille Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson Andrew Krug Linda Besh Edgar Allan Wright


  1. This weeks glyph drill down wasn't an easy one. 😰 And after the incidents of weekend's anomaly I think there's a quantum objects engineer who was trying to achieve this potential knowledge by any means.

    Edit: The Glyphs came during #Recursion to us NOT during Helios. Sorry for that mistake.

  2. My first thought with this sequence, as it was for others, is what question is this? Is it a question from the N'Zeer? Is it a question about the N'Zeer? Is it about questioning the N'Zeer? That ambiguity makes it so anyone could have sent it, but I do not believe that either the Shapers or the N'Zeer sent it. I do not know who, dependent on how you interpret the first part it very well could be from the N'Zeer but personally I don't think it feels that way.

    Let's go with having it be a question about the N'Zeer. This would make it be from someone Resistance aligned. Likely ADA, Jahan, or someone from the NWR. Only those who have been in some form of contact with the N'Zeer would be able to answer the questions, and they want us to ask them. Only when we ask the right questions can we potentially gain the Knowledge that they have if our minds can comprehend the answers we are given.

    Now let's go with it being about questioning the N'Zeer, this would make it likely be from just about any Enlightened specifically Jarvis,The Acolyte, or a member of the NWE. However it could also be from members of the Resistance who don't adhere to the N'Zeer and would rather see neither the N'Zeer or Shapers be allowed here. In this case they are telling us to question the N'Zeer and what they are offering. Potentially gaining the knowledge of their plans.

    Dependent on how you read it it could be directed at Enlightened, or Resistance, or Both.


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