Glyph Drill Down: Imperfect Message Begin Human Chaos
Glyph Drill Down: Imperfect Message Begin Human Chaos
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Imperfect Message Begin Human Chaos
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@Ishira / Resistance
I try to stay as objective as possible with these, but the new sequences have thrown me a tad off. I have not been able to study them as much as I would like but again I can see so many ways this sequence, So let’s jump into it.
The message is imperfect so we should begin causing human chaos. A rather threatening message in my opinion. Whether it’s meant for us though, I can’t say as I have always said there better ways to represent us. What human chaos could they be talking about though? We all know when messages are altered or confusing, we tend to act out. So maybe its observation of what humans do, and they expect for us to do again and thus are commanding us to do it.
Or maybe, it’s someone saying our message wasn’t clear, so they will begin causing chaos among us humans. Reading the message is these context feels dark and ominous. Something I would likely avoid if I wasn’t so curious about it. It feels like a message from someone either impatient or done with the bickering but who sent it I can’t say, because it’s become very clear that possibility of these messages coming from only one side or the other is improbable with the new glyphs. Before we could have argued it because we only had the Shapers glyph but now that’s changed.
An imperfect message began the human chaos. To me, in this context, the sequence isn’t as dark, but more of a lesson. We are being simply being informed of why the chaos started rather than being told we need to start it. In this context I don’t feel threatened and I feel it could easily be used by either side to explain how things are the way they are. Whether or not it would be used in that fashion, I am not sure. Again I could go on and on about this sequence but until I hack it more I am not sure I will get its full meaning just yet.
@Laria / Enlightened
This message resonate with the engineer on me. It seems plain and simple, an imperfect message will lead to chaos, like when you got a new complex program and only have an incomplete manual, (open maya, for the first time and tell me it does not fit the chaos definition). You can figure out how to use with some practice and trial and error, but the initial result will be, discouraging at best and dangerous at worst, depending of the program you are trying to use. Trying to mingle with 3D design with no training, won’t have any consequences that would warrant this message. Do the same with the controls of a nuclear power facility and things get on a more fitting scale.
As with almost every message, there is potential there for both groups, Shapers can be telling you that follow their instructions to avoid it and N’Zeer that welcome them so they can give you the complete manual, on any case is a message of precaution and control, to avoid the receiver trying things on their own things both for their own safety and keep them confined on the comfort area, they can control.
@Essayons75 / Resistance
This sequence seems like something the Shapers would want to send. There is a clear warning that Chaos stems from a failure to communicate your Message correctly. In the past, sequences from the Shapers have either warned about Chaos or implied the Shapers are opposed to it; i.e.: //Lose Shapers Message Gain Chaos// or //Chaos Barrier Shapers Portal//. Sequences that have a Resistance leaning slant have been pushing for Chaos as an element of humanity or a goal to achieve; i.e.: //Present Chaos Create Future Civilization// or //Pursue Conflict War Advance Chaos//. Harmony is the watchword of the Shapers and Chaos should be avoided at all costs.
This is a reminder that sending messages that have imperfections and are not clear lead to chaos. The Shapers need order to enact their plans and want the reader of this sequence to send clear and precise messages.
@Metamorphis / Englightened
As I received @GaanEden’s mail containing the recently emerged glyph sequence I thought: “Wow, what a dark message! Is this a warning to use a self destruction code by accident?”
But let’s begin with a quote from Hank Johnson: “Glyphs are neither good nor evil...they are the embodiment of a communication with mankind, a dialogue that’s been going on for thousands of years between our species and one that has an awful lot to teach us… Glyphs have created entire civilizations, and, yes… Glyphs have also destroyed entire civilizations.”
As the first glyphs emerged in our scanners a bulletin warned: “Agents should be advised that exposure to Shaper Glyphs is dangerous.” Also Niantic Project Researcher Carrie Campbell died by the use of Shaper Glyphs. Klue was united with ADA by using a glyph sequence, and yes, she was told by ADA: “This is your final warning!”
From Hank Johnson we know that glyphs contain exotic matter. But what if glyph sequences could contain Dark XM too? The consequences for those who use these glyph sequences would be catastrophic because glyphs function as a mind programming language. So, for me this message could be understand as a warning not to play careless with glyphs. They are still a mystery for us and even if we begin to understand some possible aspects of their meanings there is a lot more to reveal. We have to study them, listening what they want to teach us. I don’t know exactly who the sender might be, but in this case I don’t really care about because I listen more to the warning than asking who send it.
@GaanEden / Enlightened
The overall consensus of the Roundtable appears to be that this glyph message is a warning. Whether the warning is that imperfect messages are at the heart of the conflict or whether the warning is an admonishment—that humans imperfectly understand the message and that is why there is chaos. It’s true. No one really knows either side’s motivations or their memetic context for any glyph message. We agents have to do the best we can.
I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman
Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda Besh
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Imperfect Message Begin Human Chaos
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@Ishira / Resistance
I try to stay as objective as possible with these, but the new sequences have thrown me a tad off. I have not been able to study them as much as I would like but again I can see so many ways this sequence, So let’s jump into it.
The message is imperfect so we should begin causing human chaos. A rather threatening message in my opinion. Whether it’s meant for us though, I can’t say as I have always said there better ways to represent us. What human chaos could they be talking about though? We all know when messages are altered or confusing, we tend to act out. So maybe its observation of what humans do, and they expect for us to do again and thus are commanding us to do it.
Or maybe, it’s someone saying our message wasn’t clear, so they will begin causing chaos among us humans. Reading the message is these context feels dark and ominous. Something I would likely avoid if I wasn’t so curious about it. It feels like a message from someone either impatient or done with the bickering but who sent it I can’t say, because it’s become very clear that possibility of these messages coming from only one side or the other is improbable with the new glyphs. Before we could have argued it because we only had the Shapers glyph but now that’s changed.
An imperfect message began the human chaos. To me, in this context, the sequence isn’t as dark, but more of a lesson. We are being simply being informed of why the chaos started rather than being told we need to start it. In this context I don’t feel threatened and I feel it could easily be used by either side to explain how things are the way they are. Whether or not it would be used in that fashion, I am not sure. Again I could go on and on about this sequence but until I hack it more I am not sure I will get its full meaning just yet.
@Laria / Enlightened
This message resonate with the engineer on me. It seems plain and simple, an imperfect message will lead to chaos, like when you got a new complex program and only have an incomplete manual, (open maya, for the first time and tell me it does not fit the chaos definition). You can figure out how to use with some practice and trial and error, but the initial result will be, discouraging at best and dangerous at worst, depending of the program you are trying to use. Trying to mingle with 3D design with no training, won’t have any consequences that would warrant this message. Do the same with the controls of a nuclear power facility and things get on a more fitting scale.
As with almost every message, there is potential there for both groups, Shapers can be telling you that follow their instructions to avoid it and N’Zeer that welcome them so they can give you the complete manual, on any case is a message of precaution and control, to avoid the receiver trying things on their own things both for their own safety and keep them confined on the comfort area, they can control.
@Essayons75 / Resistance
This sequence seems like something the Shapers would want to send. There is a clear warning that Chaos stems from a failure to communicate your Message correctly. In the past, sequences from the Shapers have either warned about Chaos or implied the Shapers are opposed to it; i.e.: //Lose Shapers Message Gain Chaos// or //Chaos Barrier Shapers Portal//. Sequences that have a Resistance leaning slant have been pushing for Chaos as an element of humanity or a goal to achieve; i.e.: //Present Chaos Create Future Civilization// or //Pursue Conflict War Advance Chaos//. Harmony is the watchword of the Shapers and Chaos should be avoided at all costs.
This is a reminder that sending messages that have imperfections and are not clear lead to chaos. The Shapers need order to enact their plans and want the reader of this sequence to send clear and precise messages.
@Metamorphis / Englightened
As I received @GaanEden’s mail containing the recently emerged glyph sequence I thought: “Wow, what a dark message! Is this a warning to use a self destruction code by accident?”
But let’s begin with a quote from Hank Johnson: “Glyphs are neither good nor evil...they are the embodiment of a communication with mankind, a dialogue that’s been going on for thousands of years between our species and one that has an awful lot to teach us… Glyphs have created entire civilizations, and, yes… Glyphs have also destroyed entire civilizations.”
As the first glyphs emerged in our scanners a bulletin warned: “Agents should be advised that exposure to Shaper Glyphs is dangerous.” Also Niantic Project Researcher Carrie Campbell died by the use of Shaper Glyphs. Klue was united with ADA by using a glyph sequence, and yes, she was told by ADA: “This is your final warning!”
From Hank Johnson we know that glyphs contain exotic matter. But what if glyph sequences could contain Dark XM too? The consequences for those who use these glyph sequences would be catastrophic because glyphs function as a mind programming language. So, for me this message could be understand as a warning not to play careless with glyphs. They are still a mystery for us and even if we begin to understand some possible aspects of their meanings there is a lot more to reveal. We have to study them, listening what they want to teach us. I don’t know exactly who the sender might be, but in this case I don’t really care about because I listen more to the warning than asking who send it.
@GaanEden / Enlightened
The overall consensus of the Roundtable appears to be that this glyph message is a warning. Whether the warning is that imperfect messages are at the heart of the conflict or whether the warning is an admonishment—that humans imperfectly understand the message and that is why there is chaos. It’s true. No one really knows either side’s motivations or their memetic context for any glyph message. We agents have to do the best we can.
I run these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman
Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda Besh
This was a rather interesting sequence and I find Achim S. s answer rather intriguing. I can't say I completely agreed with it but I liked the way you brought quotes about glyphs into your answer and discussed how they all could relate with this sequence. :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks to me to be a message of how chaos began. Someone with an imperfect message took it and ran with it. Others probably more sceptical and not so eager to jump on the band wagon said whoa and thus chaos was born within the human race. I believe it is a perfect explanation of why there is so much chaos in our world today, it all started with an imperfect message from the Shapers. I am not saying the Shapers sent an imperfect message but that our understanding of the message was imperfect. Perhaps there simply weren't the right words to convey what that wanted to say, or the message was fine but the feeling it invoked in different people was different from person to person. When speaking one size does not fit all. Regardless, chaos was born because the message (s ) were interpreted differently by different people. Much like they still are today, judging by the answers I just read.
ReplyDeleteThx Ishira Tsubasa! It was interesting to read all thoughts about this message - whoever send this to us. I'm very excited about all new glyph meanings and what we might reveal.
ReplyDeleteSo I have tried to make many posts and have been deterred.. I have a few words left but my phone is monitored and somehow I tried to expose something a bit deeper and all the text and everything got turned into money.
ReplyDeleteOkay so here's what I was able to recover...
So this was posted 4 days ago.. before we had our 45th president elected.. yes.. embrace yourself for the ππππ❤π input.
The Simpsons have predicted something similar to this, many things actually - this glyph is talking about the impending doom if America falls apart the rest of the world suffers, right now I'm going to pull the political card.
This was before we had our 45 president, 4+5 = 9 is Devine.
We have had warnings yes I'm pulling this card, 2001 numbers add up to a three 9.11.01 twin towers are now one world trade, oh wait wasn't it called the freedom tower at some point?
Cool nothing significant about that, but yesterday was 11.9.16 - which was the mark of everyone beginning to protest against the new president in office.... let me not get to off topic that's a different topic I can cover, going on. . .
Today is 11.11.16 and via Noir started in Seoul, now excuse the nummers and ignore the consistent conspiracys as well as every light casts a shadow.. slogan for this weekends anomaly rather our last quater for the year which I may add is ending 1 month earlier than the previous last quater anomaly for last yewr which was abaddon...
But case in point the glyph to me was a warning about the event that happened yesterday in Oakland 6000 barrels of tear gas were opened on the organized protest where one of the battles for Abaddon took place on 12.12.15 you get some funny numbers about 3.3.6 all adds up to a 12.
1+2= 3
Just playing around with atlas numbers. I was affected by this outrage in public yesterday when I went to rainbow grocery the cashier said she had be in the tear gas. Semi chaotic yea? She was in Oakland the other night... i could barely understand her story becuse she couldnt talk, said there was nothing left in her...
Since i live in San Francisco I shared with David Lewis his response with numbers and time and dates was this basic just a coincidence as its hilarious trump has pence... dude the world just sounded the Trumpets... okay you get it. You' feeling it, yet. Or should I tell you what this guy said,
Feedback from themouse11
"Since the πand the calender only has a finite set of numbers it would only make logical sense that in many instances these numbers would coincide with one another. So theirs my 2 sense. Coindedense"
Call me crazy but I think the masses that play PokΓ©mon go is Niantic for losers, just sharing my opinion.
Lol kzinrule.. case and rule just attacked my portal again so that's my green light to post this now. 1011 make a wish!