Glyph Drill Down: Change Perspective Begin New Struggle

Glyph Drill Down: Change Perspective Begin New Struggle

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Change Perspective Begin New Struggle

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@SayoSenpai / Enlightened
I think that this sequence is a call from both Shapers and N’Zeer.
The “Tecthulhu” is a great threat to the world we all know and love.
Like Devra said right after Via Noir, it’s not green vs. blue, it’s dark vs. light.
The dark machine is indeed powerful, but not unstoppable.
Both Factions should (Change Perspective) stop battle each other and fight side by side against this global threat (Begin New Struggle).

@Ishira / Resistance
A change in perspective begins new struggles. When we change our perspective on things, we need walk into an unknown, away from our previous beliefs that have most likely been the motive for our actions. New perspectives always bring new struggles because if we knew exactly what was going to happen when we change our perspective then we are not really changing in my opinion. I feel this sequence is telling us we need to look at a much different perspective than what we have been, one we do not know well, one that may be new to everyone involved. What perspective that is, it doesn’t say outright. Like most sequences, it doesn’t tell us, but again I feel that is so it is relatable to everyone that reads it no matter the faction or beliefs. It isn’t a sequence I feel is demanding a change but rather telling us what will happen during the change, so I do not feel threatened by it and am more accepting to think about changing.

It is possible this is a sequence that is being sent from the opposite faction of the agents reading it, in an attempt to get them to understand their cause. Or quite possibly get them to switch sides. But to me, it lacks details to do that and I would think different glyphs would be used to try and convince us. Talking about a struggle would not be particularly convincing enough for me to switch sides but may make me more willing to consider what my counterparts are going through..... Considering this was a sequence released before the factions had to work together and fight against Oliver Lyton Wolfe, I think it’s very possible it was a sequence given to us to tell us we would have to work together to stop him.

Who do I think sent it though? Well, I think it was someone who knew what was going to happen with Tecthulhu and what would be required to stop it, which would rule out our faction leads... I also think it’s possible we received the glyphs from the people who have been sacrificed to the being... And if that the case, this sequence which at first doesn’t bother me at all, is a bit creepy....

This sequence has different meanings to me. As an enlightened agent in the field, I think it’s more a message to the Resistance to concentrate on their goals to save humanity. As an investigator, I see New Wave (new struggle) being involved. I believe that we might see more being revealed by the events in Japan. It’s for me clearly a message to analyze the Acolyte’s and Jahan’s goals and their agendas. As @thedeacon1972 wrote in his open letter to the Acolyte we should not follow blind self-proclaimed leaders. Related to Techthulu this sequence could be understood as a plea to collaborate together to stop this machine/entity. Could the sender be the N’zeer? I think so. But it could be an implemented message by the New Wave movement itself. They already had shown their ability to manipulate and infiltrate. I’m really excited about the upcoming events the next months. I’m sure we will then know more by a retrospective discussion of this sequence.

@essayons75 / Resistance
This sequence is quite a conundrum. If it is from the N’zeer it’s intended to manipulate the recipient into focusing on the new (possible) struggle against Techthulu. If it’s from the Shapers the intent is to change the conflict from Shapers vs. Resistance towards humanity vs. N’zeer. And if it’s from ADA the meaning is to join humanity against the Shapers, N’zeer, and Techthulu.

The intent is clearly to get all scanners united against a new(ish) threat, but which threat? So many changes and additions to the major players have seriously muddied the waters in regards to whom the actual “bad” guys are.

I would say that sequences before and after this one could change everything about what it means. If the adjacent sequences favor one side over the other it would vary the meaning and intended receiver. As with all ambiguous sequences, context is key to understanding what the heck we’re supposed to get from the phrase.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
The more we know, the more we realize that there is so much more to learn. It is hard for people of different ideologies to step into another’s shoes. It is even harder to change your minds about what you /know/ is to be true. The problem with this is that facts and knowledge change the more we look at the universe and discover what we did not know. After all, learned scientists once /knew/ that the earth was the center of the universe.

I run these weekly—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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