Glyph Drill Down: Help Us Save Us All

Glyph Drill Down: Help Us Save Us All

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Help Us Save Us All

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

Help Us Save Us All - this week’s glyph sequence is strictly a distress signal for me.

A distress signal or distress call is an internationally recognized means for obtaining help. Distress signals are communicated by transmitting radio signals, displaying a visually observable item or illumination, or making a sound audible from a distance. A distress signal indicates that a person or group of people, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle is threatened by serious and/or imminent danger and requires immediate assistance.

This leads me directly to the sender of this sequence. Because the sequence emerged before the upcoming of techthulu and the events of via noir I would speculate that it’s an SOS from the imprisoned bodies of the Niantic Project Researchers from ABADN - the chamber which was built by Calvin under CERN.

There’s a really stark sentiment in this glyph sequence, and one that feels pretty personal to me on some level. I hesitate to mention it, but there seems to be an air of desperation here that I cannot objectively define. First, the glyphs “Help” and “Save” bear some discussion. In certain contexts in English, those words could be used interchangeably (as in, a person screaming “help me!”). But in this case I think the appearance of these words is not redundant; it is a plea to help the sender in their effort to save “us all.” The appearance of “us” in that last part strongly implies a more personal stake; it distinctly indicates that the sender is also in need of saving (even as they try to do it themselves).

The sender then is not separate from the troubles they wish to resolve. Although I know that the Shaper and the N’zeer face difficulties from each other, as well as the Resistance and Enlightened factions, and even allied or rogue operators like Oliver Lynton Wolfe and Devra Bogdanovich, I have never gotten the impression that they face crisis within their respective substrates or networks, particularly when time and space have only limited meaning there. No, the world that is in need of saving is ours, and it’s my belief that this message is one from humanity itself. A subconscious reflection of anxiety and hope that the portal network distills, amplifies, and transmits back to us. The sender and the receiver are the same, it is us. That would make this message, and others like it, an unintentional effort to leverage the portal network into greater human cooperation, which brings to mind ADA’s plan of technologically networking humanity to achieve such goals. As a supporter of ADA from the beginning of all this, the implications of this message make me wonder if the essence of her plan could not have also been achieved from an Enlightened perspective as well, using the natural workings of the portal network rather than peeling them apart and overlaying them with technology and study. Maybe the differences in our approach are not what’s important, but the similarity of our end goals.

Perhaps the glyph sequence is having the desired effect, at least on myself; it’s making me question how best I can help to save us all.

I believe this is probably one of the most straightforward sequences out there, the only problem is the sender is not something that we can easily figure out. Who are we helping? Who are we saving? I’ll try to break down my thoughts on this as best I can.

One of the more obvious possibilities is it being from Susanna Moyer, Klue, or one of the others who could be stuck inside the Tecthulu begging us to help them and save them. I can only imagine what it must be like for them so it would only be natural to be trying to get help.

Another is that it is from a High ranking Enlightened or Resistance member looking for aid from their respective patrons to get them to intervene directly with this conflict with the Tecthulu, The Resistance in the case would want to stop the Acolyte from rebuilding the Tecthulu for obvious reasons, something that powerful could spell the end of the N’zeer’s attempts at coming back to our world. In The Enlightened’s case it would be an agent who does not agree with The Acolyte’s plans to rebuild the Tecthulu, and they would be asking the Shapers to stop the Acolyte’s plans to rebuild the Tecthulu.

A lesser possibility is that it is actually a message from either the N’zeer or the Shapers. It is possible that the Tecthulu poses a direct threat to both parties, and though I do not see either group asking us to save them it is a possibility.

In the end I believe that the most likely answer is that it is a message for all of us, Enlightened and Resistance alike, to save the people trapped within the Tecthulu. It could even be a message directly for the N’zeer and Shapers to give Jahan and the Acolyte the insight they need to somehow save these people.

When I first got this sequence, it caught my breath. I felt a deep longing to help who ever sent me this message. I had no care in the world for who sent it, for that moment it didn’t matter. When the sequence came through my scanner, it felt like a rush of emotion did as well but only for a moment and then I had to send the message back.

It sounds like a desperate plea at first that calls for action that most people will respond to without thought. It’s simple and to the point without any explanation at all. We need help save us... But we don’t know who needs help, or what they need help with.... Only that they need ‘saving’ and when people hear that, they will either jump at the chance to save another and become a hero, or they will avoid it all together and act as if they did not hear a thing. A statement like this, shows the true colors of a person most of the time.

But what if it could be saying Help us in saving us all. We cannot do it alone, we need you. To me, it sounds more like an attempt to gather support from others rather than the plea from before. Admitting that it can’t be done alone and that more help is needed in order to save everyone involved. Now it could be taken as factions talking among themselves or as a general message but overall the message is clear. We need you.

It is also possible that this sequence is from the victims of Tecthulu, as we know the sequence came before the anomaly when it was revealed lives had been used to make the machine. Is this a message from them? Was it a warning of what was coming and how we needed to ban together to stop it. I think so, but again, glyphs can mean so many things....

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I literally “whoa”d at this the first time I got it. From my perspective, this says that all this effort the Shapers and N’Zeer are putting into contacting, organizing, and influencing us is less for faction gain and more because they need us as much as they believe we need them. Our fates are intertwined. This suddenly seems more like a bonding effort because they (whoever, both?) sent the message has no other place to go. Talk about food for thought.

Glyph Drill Down will be taking the week of December 12th off. I’m sure we’re all going to be interested in what happens on the 10th—maybe even still reeling from it—and my birthday is on the 9th. So, I’m taking a bit of a vacation/break. 

I run these weekly—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong Linda Besh Andrew Krug flint dille Hank Johnson H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright Stein Lightman


  1. Pretty much matches up with my thoughts.
    It's either coming from those trapped within the tecthulhu or, as my husband postulates, from a future us.


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