This is an explanation on how I currently create and decide which sequence to post.

This is an explanation on how I currently create and decide which sequence to post.

I'm thinking I should treat some of the sequences as an Oracle / as means of self discovery. It will be interesting to see how this project grows if I'm able to keep it up and running and if I would be able to look back through the sequences I created and say "Damn this sequence was spot on."

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)

Septicycle 2016.48, Prelude
We are few check points into the current Septicycle so I'll take a moment to describe my current process.

Step 1: List Generation
I start by running a list generator 3 - 5 times. Depending on the generator, I have it output up to 10 items max, or I only copy and paste the top ten items onto a blank document.

This week, I created the following lists:
End. Us. Failure. Worth. Disorder. Self. Rescue. Harmony. Resist. Path.

Escape. Failure. Question. Reincarnate. Present. Me. Other. Forward-Time. Creativity. Enlightenment.

Safety Follow Knowledge Inside Portal Discover You Deteriorate Contract Grow

XM Desire Nourish Contract Have Imperfect Begin Capture Chase No

Presence Less City Interrupt Sustain Pure Easy Message Resist Perspective

Step 2: Selecting A List
Looking at each list, I think about the various possible sequences I could create. Treating the lists like an Oracle, not unlike a tarot deck or a bag of runes, I think about what messages the glyphs want to convey, then I select the list I feel has the most resonance.

Safety Follow Knowledge Inside Portal Discover You Deteriorate Contract Grow

Step 3: Possible Glyph sequences
I transcribe several of the sequences I noticed in step two making adjustments to glyphs as needed.

Note, I changed the glyph from "you/other" to "I/me/self" when making these sequences.

Safe Follow Knowledge Inside Portal
Knowledge Inside Portal Safe Discover
Follow Knowledge Inside. Discover Self.
Knowledge inside portal. Discover Grow.
Safe Knowledge Discover Portal. Grow
Knowledge Inside Discover self grow.

Since I use up to 10 glyphs, this part of the process could take long time. For this reason, I like to keep the list of sequences as short as possible by limiting the amount of time I have to create sequences to 5 to 10 min max. However, as you can tell, some glyph pairings tend to occur consistently.

Step 4: Choosing a sequence
I put the list of glyphs sequences aside for a few minutes, if not hours and think about them. I then return to them and begin selecting a sequence from the list. I give preference to the sequence which seems the most relevant to whatever is happening at the moment, or one I like, or one that just stands out the most.

Step 5: Transcribing
I prepare and ink my stamps (if needed), then draw the glyphs.

Step 6: Presentation
I then snap a picture of the sequence and then make my post.


I will post sequence 2016.48 in a day or two as well as repost 2016.47 now that I spent some time thinking about the sequence.

I'm waiting for carbon paper to arrive in the mail (drawing in pencil than rubbing is not an efficient way to create a tracing). I will begin production on two new stamps soon, first lino replacement for my current stamp and than one to use on the cards.


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