Glyph Drill Down: Abandon Fear See Future Destination

Glyph Drill Down: Abandon Fear See Future Destination

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Abandon Fear See Future Destination

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Ishira / Resistance
Abandon your fears to see the future destination. Fears tend to keep us from moving on to better things, discovering paths we didn’t know existed, or finding things and answers we need to find to grow personally. Our fear tends to keep us in a safe zone, where we are comfortable and not challenging the authorities above us, but sometimes staying in that safe zone isn’t actually protecting us. Sometimes doing nothing, not allowing ourselves to advance or take a stand in our own growth is actually more damaging. Part of me feels this sequence is telling us our fears are keeping us from something we want or need.

When I look at this though I’m conflicted on how to take it. Like other sequences, the way we read it determines how we receive the message but the glyphs we are given are also a big part of how I personally read it. Abandon isn’t a positive word to me and with that one glyph I read the sequence as a demand rather than advice. It seems more like a word used in annoyance rather than in scholarly knowledge. To me “Clear-All” fear or “ignore” fear would be more appropriate. I find it rather hard to actually keep my biased out of this sequence and I wonder if that has anything to do with how new these sequences are.... It definitely feels to me, like a superior or someone of great respect is ordering us to get rid of our fear, as if there is no other choice now and it’s something we need to do now.

@Migenro / Enlightened
This one seems literal enough to stand on its own. Abandon fear, see future destination. However, I believe further depth can be drawn by looking at its elements and its context.

Fear is usually a reaction to an external threat, a primordial instinct for survival. While this saves us from jumping off cliffs or crossing the territories of dangerous predators, this also limits our exploration of the unknown. Fear tells us that this place is outside our comfort zone and it might be harmful. When we are caught up in fear, we wall ourselves in both physically and mentally. We do not explore new places, we do not entertain new ideas, and we block out those not familiar to us.

In the context of these signals being sent by extra-dimensional entities, this sequence is an invitation to look up from a cowering state and see the possibilities of our civilization. It could be the Shapers reminding us to continue exploring the beauty of the universe despite the dangers we regularly encounter. It could be the N’Zeer showing the path to success through technological innovation. But regardless of faction, the message in common is that we continue moving forward. Explore the boundaries beyond where we are now.

@l23l / Resistance
This sequence should presumably encourage us to move forward and that we shouldn’t be assailed by doubts. It reminds us to forget our fears and step over our own shadows. There will be a future destination and the sensitive has just to mention it.

It could be a possible N’Zeer sequence which they provided us, to give us the right insight to see our own fate. Otherwise, it could also be an invitation, a demand to take a stock of oneself in a meditative way, to obtain the right spirit to see what lies before us.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
I remember Roland Jarvis’ speech to the Enlightened at Cupid Span whispering in my mind. “Do you see new paths? New opportunities?” he asks me. His speech is a guidance towards enlightenment and the Ultimate. Let us translate “Destination” to “Portal” and try to understand what Roland Jarvis wants to say: “The Portals are our guides. They provide the place for calm reflection where we can hear the true message. Take the time to visit them. If you visit a portal each day, you can become Enlightened. If you visit a new portal each day, you will transcend your false existence. If you maintain the portals at peak energy and you exert yourself each day to do so, you are on the path to manifesting in the Ultimate.”

See future destination, see enlightenment.

But how to do so? That leads me to the first part of the sequence. Abandon fear, leave fear behind you. “You have nothing to fear” was, for a long time, what we could hear from ADA when we opened the scanner. “The door is one that must be opened from the inside, from within us. We must first prepare ourselves, cease our worry about the temporary and inconsequential.”

I see in this sequence the Shapers resonating with our minds. But not a message to us as a collective. It’s an individual mind programming code for each of us.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
Change is scary. Change sometimes hurts. This sequence is part of the newest glyph set to appear in the scanner. It gives me the sense that big changes are coming. Especially with the most recent NWE and NWR co-mingling for the New Year’s ritual (portal creation?). The message is to let go of our primal fear and see what is possible. I don’t know who sent this message—that, in and of itself, is scary. The N’Zeer have pushed their technology as a way to evolve the mind. It could be linked to that. The Shapers want a calmer, more harmonious state of mind to allow us to evolve to a higher level. The message could be from either of them.

I run these weekly—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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