A common concern about the nature of Shapers and the N'Zeer that has been popping up all week long due to the conversations that H. Richard Loeb​ has created in his daily posts..

I do have to thank Yik Sheng Lee​ for indirectly reminding me that in my rush to get to work, I forgot to share this Septicycle's glyph sequence.

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)

Septicycle 2017.1
Seek. Answer. N'Zeer. Shaper. Mystery.

In my previous update, I mentioned how the glyphs sequences I was creating from the lists I generated seemed a little dark in nature. Considering this is the first septicycle of the new year, I made the decision not to use them.

However, rather than teasing the existence of those those lists as I march forward with this project I will post them here for your analytical pleasures:

Share Forget Soul Perspective Restraint Human Not Aspiration Clear Escape

Now You Harm Desire Create Gain Chaos Equal Simple War

Self Me Disorder Harm Courage Absent Question Technology Destruction Reincarnate

Finality Old Obstacle Struggle Consequence Presence Complex Portal Erode Safety

There was a fifth list which I discarded immediately after I read the first four glyphs Die Harm Destruction Reincarnate. So rather than tossing the lists into a randomizer, and seeing what cruel message fate decided to drop into my lap, I wrote yesterday's post and called it a night.

Now that a day and a half has passed and a set of new glyphs sequences emerged through the portal network; it is now time to run my list generator once more:

Answer. N'Zeer. Seek. Self. Mystery. Conflict. Shaper. Advance. Change. Journey.

This list has so potential, it was hard to ignore.

Many ingress agents became involved in the investigation boards for reasons that are too numerous to list. No matter how long an agent may be involved with the investigation, they often are confronted with the same evasive MYSTERIES: What are the N'ZEER/SHAPERS and what is the root of their conflict?

This question leads some agents to research mythology and religious texts as they SEEK it's ANSWER. Other agents may search through literature, philosophy, the occult, history, unexplained phenomena, or science for clues and parallels that may give them insight into their investigation.

As we continue to seek the answers to those mysteries, we find may ourselves journeying to strange places as we stumble further down the rabbit hole of conspiracy. Some may discover that their nature has become fundamentally changed and that they were shaped by it; for good or bad. Nevertheless, regardless of the consequences, many will continue to seek out the answers to existence's many mysteries.

#ingress #shaperGlyphs #shaperPortents


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