Glyph Drill Down: The Relationship Between Glyphs and Shards

Glyph Drill Down: The Relationship Between Glyphs and Shards

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following:

The Relationship Between Glyphs and Shards

Is there a relationship between glyphs and shards? Why were glyphs in the Recursion Artifact shards of the Helios anomaly? Have all the glyphs displayed been integrated into the portals messages? If not, why haven’t they?

The Recursion artifacts, 17 glyphs, and the Helios artifacts, 40 glyphs, mostly emerged in our scanner. Most of them have been known before. For example the glyph adapt was first drawn by Tycho. Glyphs like Mystery, Legacy, and Knowledge emerged since the discovery of the Techthulu. But glyphs like worth still remain.

I’ve always recognized these glyph shards as XM artifacts which in combination with primal objects could cause the anomalies by themselves. I ask myself if a very powerful anomaly is needed to activate the glyphs within the portal network.

@Ishira / Resistance
I am not well versed in the former use of glyphs so this was an interesting drill down for me as I had to study a bit for it. I have always felt there is a relationship between Glyphs and each anomaly and in studying for this discussion I found that most anomalies in different ways have glyphs involved.

Even before glyphs came into our scanners they have been used in so many different ways and from what I can see, represent what is going on at the time. I would say there is a relationship between the shards and glyphs though it’s not entirely clear why other than glyphs can have power if used right. The shard glyphs seem to connect and closely relate to the events and people surrounding the anomaly they are involved in which I feel is their purpose in each anomaly, to give us some insight.

While there was no clear sequences, or known ones I should say, each glyph shard I believe was carefully picked, which I find rather interesting since only two glyphs repeat in the Recursion and Helios shards. Why were these glyphs chosen out of all the glyphs available and known or unknown to us? And why do only two repeat? To me, it points out that there is much more going on with these shards and glyphs than meets the eye and it makes me question what their use is.

Glyphs can be powerful if they are used in the right or wrong way and we know that individuals may have personal glyph sequences that could be used to either destroy or improve them. I have to wonder if gathering the shards with glyphs on them together at specific points was like a combination lock but what were we unlocking? I can’t help but feel something happened unseen in these anomalies, that the actual outcomes were never observed and we were given just enough information to satisfy most of us but as I studied these glyphs and then the others in different anomalies I’m beginning to wonder.

That is for another conversation though. I found more questions than answers when i looked at these shard glyphs and sadly I can’t focus on them all.

Not all of the glyphs from these anomalies have been released within our scanners, or i should say within our glyph hack sequences. At least one (shaper self) can be found within our avatar selections oddly. There were 57 artifacts, with only 55 glyphs as End/Finality and Progress/Success/Evolution were the only two repeated. 45 out of the 55 have entered our glyph sequences if you choose to acknowledge that Call and Response are individual glyphs rather than just Data split. It wasn’t until recently that 10 of the shard glyphs came into our sequences along with other previously unused glyphs.

All, once again, coming into play around the anomalies and used in sequences that would represent the upcoming events. This leaves us with 10 that have not entered our sequences, 9 that have not entered the scanner at all. With the help of +Stein Lightman some have been named but many are up to interpretation and how or when they will come into play is a mystery other than possibly around another anomaly. I personally do not feel the others have been given to us yet because we haven’t reached the point in which they need to be used. Maybe we haven’t received them because we have not reached a goal invisible to us but with the release of two new sets so close together I think we are on the right path and will soon see all if not more glyphs.

It was hard to rein in my thoughts on this, as I dug into the history of these anomalies I came out with many more questions than answers. Glyphs are present everywhere and this study has certainly proved to me that we need to pay more attention to what they are saying.

@G0D2like / Enlightened
I have no doubt that there is a connection between glyphs and shards. You can verify it by looking at the artifacts Recursion Anomaly. But this is only one point of contact of these things. In connection with the new global shards, I would like to talk about the relationship between glyphs and this shards (and not only about it).

Recalling that in the current shards, we are collecting researchers, which placed in ABADN. It [ABADN] is obviously linked with the glyph “Again/Repeat,” which probably means the recursion by itself. It remembers us about events of Recursion anomaly. During this anomaly agents have been collecting artifacts (it were glyphs). But for some reason, some of the artifacts haven’t shown themselves in the scanner yet. Anyway, I believe that in the new year we will be faced with them.

@MustafaSaid / Resistance
There were two questions I had while researching this topic.

My first question was whether it was possible, in the cases of both the Helios and Recursion Artifacts, that the reasons glyphs were associated with them is because that somehow, crafting a sequence from the chosen glyphs could yield the results they were designed to perform? For example, if a successful glyph sequence could be made from the Recursion set of glyphs, could it somehow enable a person to achieve immortality of some sort? In the same thought process, could someone transcribe a sequence using the chosen set of the Helios artifacts to somehow repair immense damage caused onto the Portal Network?

There is also the question of the creator to ask. Who-or what-made the Recursion and Helios artifacts? Knowing the creator could give insight into why they chose to bind glyphs to the artifacts.

In the case of the Helios set, that’s kinda difficult to figure out. They had a dual purpose: heal the network from large-scale damage and simultaneously become beacons to summon the N’zeer. First, why would the network need to be healed? My guess is that whoever-or whatever-made the set believed a time would come in which the Portals would sustain immense damage that could not be reversed in any other way. Between the two societies and their respective Entities 13Magnus and Anti Magnus I believe this would closer to the 13Magnus side. If this is the truth, it’s obvious who made the other ability of the Artifacts-the Anti Magnus would have nothing to lose from wanting the N’zeer back. In this lies the mystery of who made the Helios set. It’s also possible that one Magnus made the Artifacts and hid them away and then they were rediscovered by the other and the alternate ability was added in. For example, if 13MAGNUS made the set, then Anti Magnus could be the ones who hid the beacon capabilities in at some other point.

The Recursion set is tricky as well. Not only do they grant its wielder immortality but Hank Johnson, at the time a simulacrum, wanted to use them as a bypass in order to achieve humanity. We don’t really have any definite evidence to point to that the Anti-Magnus use simulacra but we do know for sure that 13MAGNUS does. Whichever Magnus was responsible may not be important but I do think that one of them did make the Recursion Artifacts as a way to somehow overcome the 1,331 Recursion curse of losing their memories.

Well, those are my thoughts. I’m incredibly honored to be a guest on this Drill Down. This was a lot of fun-maybe I’ll come back and do another.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
Personally, I still don’t know what the answer is, but my gut tells me yes, the shards and the glyphs are linked. I also think Ishira is correct—most of the results and consequences of what happens during Shards and Anomalies are hidden from us.

I run these weekly—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson John Hanke Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


  1. This was an incredibly interesting discussion to think about. Glyphs are used so often in anomalies its almost impossible for me to think there isn't something else going on in them.


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