Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:


What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@J@yB@se / Enlightened
For me this sequence sounds like a message or warning for Klue. She was, for what we know now, the only one who was ingressed by an AI. If we believe that she now remains within the Techthulu then this message is from this entity. In my opinion this sequence isn’t designated for us—we’re only able listen to. We have dialtone.

@Ishira / Resistance
I feel this sequence hits on a truth. We hide normally the worst of ourselves within ourselves. We have instincts that tell us to do certain things out of reaction but laws that tell us we can’t, so we developed control over ourselves to keep these parts from ever being exposed to the public. We keep control of ourselves in many other ways, too. I feel most of us keep our deepest desires away from even the people we love because we fear what people would see or how people would react. It’s only natural to hide these feelings, these thoughts, these reactions. If they’re not accepted in our Society then we would not be accepted would we?

I don’t feel like the sequence is trying to tell us anything new and rather just highlighting something within us. Maybe it’s to make us think of some problem or thoughts that have been at the back of our mind. Telling us that we should indulge in them. I feel it was the wrong people this could be deadly, but again, I see no faction within it. This could very likely be given by either side. And very likely be intended for everyone. The interesting thing to note is the glyph you. I feel like someone is specifically talking to another, but not us, the agents. It feels like a part of a conversation we’re listening to again. I can’t explain why but it just feel like a statement in a conversation... It does make me wonder who is talking though.

On a different note and one that I want to leave in the air for people to think about. What if this is not just a sequence about our own chaos? Our own little dark secrets that we do not expose. What if the sequence is talking about chaos or dark XM?

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
You Hide Chaos Inside Body - this sequence made me a lot thinking about possible connections to another well known sequence: All Chaos Inside Body.

Both sequences are very similar. It’s about hiding something for others to see. Is it a side effect? Maybe. I’m willing to believe it could be Chaotic Matter which is hidden in the Body.

There is—as usual—a question left. Who or what is able to hide the side effect of Dark XM?

@Essayons75 / Resistance
The first time I saw this sequence on the scanner I got chills. The implication that all agents (or targeted agents, who knows?) harbor chaos inside themselves was pretty mind blowing.

After some thinking and drawing of the glyphs a deeper meaning has occurred to me. What if the multiple translation glyphs are intended by the sender to mean both glyphs? What if the glyphs actually mean both “You” and “You’re”, “Hide” and “Hiding”, and “Not” and “Inside”? Things get a little weirder. If the sequence means “You Hide Chaos Inside Body, You’re Hiding Chaos Not Body” the intent appears to be pointing out the flaw of Chaos when you try to keep the problems in your life bottled up inside. If it just means as the scanner states “You Hide Chaos Inside Body” the intent is a warning that you are a potential agent of Chaos.

The Shapers would want to send this as a warning to agents as a reminder that Chaos, the antithesis of all their goals, is carried in each and every single agent that gets this sequence. Unless of course it is directed at only specific agents and not a random message shot into the portal network.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
I think @J@yB@se may have hit on something. ADA did ingress Klue. Somehow, I think this links to Tecthulu. I’m not sure how though. It could be a warning or a weapon. Klue / Susanna were subsumed Tecthulu (theory). This chaos may be the key. What do you think?

I run these every other week—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright ***** Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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