Glyph Drill Down: Abandon All Technology Save Us

Glyph Drill Down: Abandon All Technology Save Us

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Abandon All Technology Save Us

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@3d13rw01f / Enlightened
Seeing this sequence I think of an exhortation, a request for those who have sought the support of technology for salvation.

An exhortation of who to whom? For this we must go back to antiquity, perhaps to the time where all this battle began. Then this message, possibly sent to those who began with the New Wave Resistance, to those who have put in technology all their confidence for the salvation of humanity.

Who sends them to? Possibly those who joined in ancient societies at the beginning of this struggle, but who only rely on knowledge to base their struggle and intend with this message to return to the roots stripping away all influence and technological body alteration. Although, it may also be that the ancient societies tell us all about the dangerous way that is to continue relying on technologies.

@AdADefender / Resistance
Before asking WHO could ever wish to send us THIS message, we should understand how we can read it. The climax of the message, its breaking point, can be found either after the second glyph or after the third one. The absence of punctuation allows both these possibilities:

Abandon all, Technology Save(s) Us.

Abandon all technology, (this) Save(s) Us

Technology, thus, becomes the discriminating factor, and we know it is one of the sticking points between Enlightened and Resistance. Particularly, we know very well how the NewWaveEnl pushes, also through the Society for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences, towards a withdrawal of any excessive use of technology, or rather the choice—as extreme as it may be—of NewWaveRes of enhancing man and their biology through the use of cybernetic implants. In this last sense, abandon everything (else) and lean only on technology.

From this subtle difference of perspective comes the next passage, so the choice of agents (and also, afterwards, of the people that will be influenced), whether or not to erase from our/their lives the use of technological potentialities we are offered in the modern world. Is there a chance that this sequence could have the effect of pushing us back to a new “Stone age?” Does this suggestion mean to distance us from the discoveries that Technology could bring? Or this idea, coming from Portal Network, means only the best for our security and safety?

Personally, I want to believe that Technology is the one thing that can save us. Whenever the knowledge (both general than scientific) is a strict prerogative of only a small group of people, or institutions, then the evolutive human potential is nullified, fixed in limitations imposed by others, without any freedom of speech or free will, since those “Others” will decide for the whole. Technology, on the other hand, make available for everyone, in the same way, culture, knowledge and science.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
I think this sequence is an appeal to human mankind literally to abandon all technology. As Roland Jarvis said technology would represent the subjugation of the human spirit. It is the first step in the road to a future devoid of creativity, devoid of inspiration and devoid of joy. This is the greatest fear of the Shapers, Roland Jarvis and the Acolyte. We are no longer subject to Darwinian natural selection. Exponentially powerful technologies are transforming our sphere of possibilities. What it means to be human is up for grabs. We have taken the reigns of natural selection to become the chief agents of the evolutionary process. And now we have the responsibility to steer the starship, as Bucky Fuller would say. Even Stephen Hawking warns AI could be humanity’s worst mistake.

But there’s another aspect I’m thinking about. Stein Lightman talked about his ability to sense exotic matter only in the absence of technology in a state of meditation. What will happen when we won’t be able to sense portals and exotic matter anymore? What if we can’t hear the dial tone anymore? There’s another glyph sequence in my mind: portal die civilization die

I´m sure that this sequence comes from the Shapers. Only they, Roland Jarvis and his Acolyte fear all technology. I think we should ask the question why they do.

Ishira / Resistance
I see a lot of ways to read this but there are some obvious messages I’m sure many see first.

Abandon all technology to save us is the one that pops out the most and I think it’s mostly due to when this sequence was released. It was one of the Tecthulhu sequences so it’s assumed we, the agents, are being given a desperate plea for help by the people trapped within the beast. The beast who is a creation of technology and xm.... And possibly glyphs.

Of course, this hit some agents hard. We wanted to help our agents that had been used in sacrifice for this beast so we jumped to help. The message seemed clear... It seemed that we were being asked to abandon the technology involved with Tecthulhu in order to save the agents but that’s where it becomes confusing to me.

I read it as abandon ALL technology... Not just the technology of the Tecthulhu.... And to me, all sequences are universal, so to me this wasn’t a sequence specific to the event but one picked out of group most likely. And in the end we didn’t save the agents, we have yet to even hear if they have lived, so to me, this was just more proof the sequence didn’t clearly represent the event. So what does the sequence mean? In this context I take it as we are becoming too dependent on technology to improve ourselves and that the current advances are dangerous to us and may only lead to destruction.

On the opposite side of this coin, I also see it as reading Abandon All, Technology will save us. This message is a bit more confusing though because I’m wondering what All we need to abandon. Maybe its thoughts or fears or possibly our own natures, but again these glyphs are represented in the sequence up front and in a quick study of the secondary glyphs, they weren’t present either... But body was. To me, the sequence in this context is telling us to abandon something and rely on the technology we have to save us. It is the complete opposite of the other context I have broken down and would not fit at all what happened in the Noir Anomaly, but I feel it this sequence does show very clearly how context can once again change the entire meaning of the message.

I, once again, don’t feel one side or the other is giving us this sequence. To me, it could be used by both or used by something else. I am at a loss of what to really feel about this sequence other than pure curiosity. As an agent and human of my generation, technology has always been present but so has nature. I’ve learned how to balance it in my life so abandoning its doesn’t seem possible, and relying on it doesn’t seem to be possible either. I feel this sequence is suppose to touch on extreme that while I know are there, I don’t particularly relate to. The sequences in both contexts make me think about the technology we have and have me weighing the good and bad of it.... Maybe that was the true meaning behind this sequence. To actually stop and think about technology itself.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
The thought of reading this sequence as “Abandon All. Technology (will) Save Us.” is a new one. It’s given me something to ponder over. I had originally thought it was a knee-jerk plea to abandon all use of any and all artifacts. We just don’t know enough to use them safely. Now, I’m not sure.

I run these every other week—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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