Glyph Drill Down: Begin Human Legacy Now

Glyph Drill Down: Begin Human Legacy Now

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These weekly examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Begin Human Legacy Now

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Ishira / Resistance
At first, this sequence sounds like a plea or maybe someone talking in annoyance. Someone seems to be begging or commanding us to do more. Someone who knows what our potential is and can see it, but also sees we are not reaching it in the time we need to. In this context, their impatience bothers me, but ultimately sounds like what a leader would say to their army in order to get them to move. It could work for either side, as it isn’t obvious who it is intended for other than ‘human.’ The use of that glyph, when the newer glyphs that represent us better have been released in our scanners, makes this sequence more interesting to me and possibly points to something else talking to us.

For me, it seems as if we are being told to focus on ourselves and what we can do by ourselves rather than what we do with outside help. That we can do amazing things just the way we are, and we do not necessarily need other things or improvements. It reminds me of the sequence Avoid Perfection Stay Human Self.

We are not suppose to be perfect. We are unique in our own way, and through our differences we can strive. This sequence could be telling us to focus on the those things that make us human, the things only we can do. In this context, it would make sense why the glyph Human was used because the only thing that can be fully human is the agents.

Every future has a past. To study prehistory, the time before written records, scientists use a wide variety of clues. They look to artifacts such as tools, art, tombs, and weapons left behind by ancient people These scientists include anthropologists, who study human culture, or a society’s knowledge, art, beliefs, customs, and values. Anthropologists called archaeologists dig into settlements to find objects used by early people. Workers then use tools to unearth objects people have left behind. By analyzing the remains archaeologists find, they can draw conclusions about long-ago people’s lives and culture.

But what will future generations find out about our life, our civilization and improvements? Which artifacts will they reveal? What will they think about our period of time? Begin Human Legacy Now seems to be a mantra which wants to push nowadays civilization to evolve. That reminds me to Jahan’s speech[1] and her visions about a better world.

Is this glyph sequence from the N’Zeer then? To be honest, I’m not sure. But I believe that the same voices who whispered to Jahan giving her visions are the creator of this sequence too.


@l23l / Resistance
The ‘call’ we have here is truly interesting, which possible legacy could be meant, to begin? If it were sent out by the Shapers, then what may be their sophisticated plans, that they have prepared for us? I assume that this ‘request’ is not for humankind, nor the N’Zeer. It may demand either Tecthulu or rather the divine Ultimate to bring us our sacramental heritage.

The combination leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, with regard to the newest breakthroughs in the development of Artificial Intelligence. Weren’t the Shapers the ones who fear any form of AI because of their knowledge that ‘it’ may have the potential to see the origins of humankind?

History repeats, we know that there is this ongoing cycle, the everlasting clash between the N’Zeer and Shapers. What will be the wages of war in this battle for us and humanity? The legacy of a civilization reset if we go too far with our godlike inventions? A horrible thought, but it seems that all things must pass it’s ways and if it’s true what the Shapers may tell us, then our way is predestined from one Aeon to another. Nevertheless, there is still the question, are we able to break through the cycle and end up the maelstrom of eternity?

@JayBase / Enlightened
I strongly believe that this glyph sequence is related to the upcoming event #MagnusReawakens, a gathering of creativity, adventure, community and mystery. Something where you have the opportunity to help to build this once in a lifetime experience. Begin Human Legacy Now. It seems to be a Shaper's influenced sequence for me.

On the other hand I ask myself if this sequence could be connected to Klue (#SaveKlue). Her dead drops emerged all over the portal network. Is it her legacy we should save and preserve?

@GaanEden / Enlightened
At first, I thought of this as a Resistance slogan—one I never really understood. Then I wondered if it was a Shaper decree, that basically said that only in enlightenment can we see what we’ve left behind. But, with more thought and the thoughts of those in this GDD, I see it could be a N’Zeer demand to accept their technology in order to evolve. I guess we come back to the glyphs and their messages being a memetic language—it all depends on context. Without that, all an agent has is their own experiences to draw context from.

I run these every other week—for the most part. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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