Request For Global Assistance (With Reward)

Request For Global Assistance (With Reward)

Isthmus agents, the following screenshot was leaked and sent my way. Due to [REDACTED] we are not able to decode the information presented.

*The first agent to decode the four items listed, and post them in a comment here will be sent a powerful gear code.

*After the four items are posted and verified to be correct:
- Re-sharing this post with the four decoded items
- Along with tagging +Project Isthmus so that we know

Will gain you (while supplies last):
- A (smaller) gear code
- An unreleased piece of Isthmus swag, delivered by mail

Good luck agents!

H. Richard Loeb Andrew Krug flint dille Anne Beuttenmüller Hank Johnson John Hanke Luma Viride


  1. Hmmmm... I wonder if the ingress mod band site is about to go live.

  2. "She" ADA or the Acolyte is my guess... is the Acolyte trying to prevent Jarvis's return?

  3. emmeggi gig You win first place! I will send you a private post.

    Everyone else, you can re-share and tag to get what is stated in the post ;-)

    I hope youll check out the movement!

  4. TrIsten Bordagaray visit the web site, you'll see

  5. Matt Stevenson looking forward to it!! 😊

  6. that's funny and I'm glad someone figured it out. I tried googling SngrBsGurl3 and Melanie Brown - Mel B was the first result

  7. Matt Stevenson Such a cool idea! #LetItRise

  8. I'm still terribly interested with who "She" is.

  9. TrIsten Bordagaray "she" is ADA. Notice the last line in the picture

  10. TrIsten Bordagaray I think it translates to a "Cascade of Viruses". Either the hacking percentages might increase, or there will be a huge demand for penicillin.

  11. Also very interesting! Love the idea and planning. Very put together


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