This is what the Ingress community is all about.

This is what the Ingress community is all about. This is one of the reasons Project Isthmus was created. PI wasn't involved in this rescue but the way both RES and ENL scrambled together to make sure Josie was OK is better than anything else I've heard lately.

flint dille Andrew Krug Linda Besh John Hanke

Originally shared by Josie FireEyes

I'm the type of person who is bull headed and stubborn, when I have something in my mind to do, there's no turning back. On Sunday the 26th, that got me into a bit of trouble.
I had been eye balling some hard portals, so I finally decided to hike up and try to get them. Having visited the area before I felt confident in my solo journey. It would be a 5 mile round trip snow shoe, with about 2.5 ft of snow on the ground. I let several people know where I was going, what equipment I had with me, where I parked, when I should have been back, but said don't worry until this certain time.
I started my trek, happy and excited to finally be there and heading up. Local Resistance agents had been up the day before, which had given me more confidence the hike would be doable. I started hiking about 10am and reached the first portal at 12:45pm. Attempted to flip the portal Green, but sadly with no luck. After some time I decided to continue to the next portal. I arrived at the second portal at 2:45pm. The cleared area, which is normally a parking lot in the summer, was so beautiful. A peaceful sight of no one around, just the sound of my breath and the rain.
I took off my soaked through coats, snow shoes, and sat down to rest under the cover of the restroom there at the trailhead. After about 30 seconds I began getting cold chills and realized just how tired I actually was. I knew I couldn't let the cold chills set in, I got up, ate some trail mix, drank some water, and gathered my things to dance with the portal. After sometime I realized I wasn't going to get it and it had come time that my friends were actually expecting me to already be back in cell reception. With much reluctance, I left the portal to begin my trek back to the car. I left at 4pm.
Several times along the way back I tried to send a message to let someone know that I was omw back, with a extremely sore hip, but ok. I was never able to send that message. A quick back story, I was in a horse accident 3 years ago. Severe head injury and a dislocated hip, which sadly now makes hiking more difficult.
So on the way back my hip had already begin soring up pretty bad, but doable. The more I kept going, the worse the pain got. It got to where I could take a few steps but then had to stop. There were several downed trees along the way, I would climb over them and then sit and rest. I realized I was now fighting for daylight at the speed I was able to go, I knew my friends would probably begin to worry soon. Step, stop, step, stop, for a mile I was fighting to keep it together and keep the tears of pain back. I went to climb over a larger downed tree, both snow shoes got caught up on branches and I couldn't move my feet. I broke and I started sobbing. Exhausted, physically hurting, feeling defeated and with darkness encroaching, I stood there not knowing what to do.
I finally got the snow shoes untangled from the branches, I took 2 steps and I heard my name being called. JOSIE. I lifted my head and there was someone running up to me, I didn't realize who it was at first, but then I realized she was a local Resistance agent whom I've met once and am in a xfaction chat with, Sunnywoods and her Husband. She asked me if I was ok, I said yes. She looked me in the eyes and told me it was alright to not be ok. I started to cry again and told them my hip hurt so bad. They told me there were several Resistance agents down the trail, Smurf and Rescue was here for me. They used their radios to let the others know they had found me. A bit down the trail at the gate was Stompouth8, Gil33, and TorchwoodOp. A round of hugs from everyone, one taking my pack for me, another telling me this was the happiest he's ever been to see a toad. I was advised that taking off the snow shoes would help my hip and I said ok, they took the snow shoes off for me and carried them as they also helped me finish walking out, keeping a hand on me as we went. It was about 8:15pm when we got back to the cars.
When we got back to the entrance of the trail a Sheriff pulled in to check in on the situation. I gave him my name and DOB to confirm I was the person they were sent to look for. The Sheriff was hilarious and got us laughing pretty hard.
Another car came pulling in, I recognized the vehicle but couldn't remember who's it was. TheIrishMarader got out and gave me a big hug. Her and Shocklance had been going between the trail and town to relay messages. I mentioned to her I was drenched through all of my clothes, she quickly opened her trunk and gave me a towel and her sleeping bag to cover up with in the car to warm up. Before leaving someone offered to stretch my hip for me, knowing his background and schooling, I happily said yes please. I sat down on the tailgate and laid on my back, I think he barely lifted my leg when I screamed. He patiently waited for me to catch my breath. When he was done it felt much better than it did, still sore, but better. I gave my car keys to Gil33 and asked him to drive. We went into the closest town and met up with a couple of my toads Maiden1974 and her husband, more rounds of hugs for everyone. When I got back into cell reception, my phone exploded with messages. From near and far, from Australia, The Netherlands, England, Canada, Florida, Seattle, and local.
I was taken back to a local agents house, where she had prepped me dinner, cake, and glasses of water to rehydrate. I finally showered and sat to eat and read messages. The amount of concern and love that was pouring out was so overwhelming and nearly brought me to tears again. It took hours to catch up on the messages.

This little adventure brought people together who normally would have never interacted. It showed us that factions can be put to the side and work together to get someone they care for, back, safe and sound. It made me appreciate and realize the love I have for those people and agents around me. I can't come close at all to describing in words the love I felt and how lucky I am to know all of these people. Again.... Thank you to everyone involved, everyone who came looking for me, everyone who messaged me, everyone who sent a thought and prayer my way. I will never forget this.

NIA Ops​​​​​
Andrew Krug​​​​​
Julia Vivienne Loverdose​​
Haerang Dong​
Hank Johnson​
matt johnson​​​​
Jonathan Gilbert​​​​
Aaron Barnard​​​​
Derrick Ross​​​​
Miss Priss​​​​
Sarah Sunshine Garrison​​​


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