IngressRPG Data Dump - Google Drive

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)

Recently Edgar Allan Wright​​, and H. Richard Loeb​​ brought up the concept of Remote Participation gaming in a larger context outside of the Navarro #ingressRPE and it's seeming ability to change or affect reality.

For that reason, I think it is Paramount​ that we gather as much information about the #ingressRolePlayingGame as possible since I believe that understanding the functions and abilities of the various Magnus Archetypes may add us as we enter into the #13magnusReawakens anomaly season.

I am currently in the process of reverse engineering an UNOFFICIAL INGRESS RPG rules document and I need your assistance. If you took any pictures of any if the character sheets or items of gear, I would appreciate it if you upload a copy into the following google drive file directory.

While there, feel free to peruse through any of the files you see there including the current unofficial Ingress RPG rules document.

flint dille​​ Ingress​​


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