"Build your own castle"

"Build your own castle"

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)

Today something awesome has manifested into reality from deep within Tycho's Mind Palace and was released onto the public at El Portal. This prime artifact is one that Ishira Tsubasa​​, Kosh TheRipper​​ and I have been trying to gather and reverse engineer since our excursions into the #CampNavarro anomalous zone during #13magnusReawakens.

I unveil unto thee, all three sessions of the official #ingressRPE with maps, character sheets, items, and all the goodies you need to expand ingress into your favorite D20 system based RPG RPE*!

*Just no prime artifacts.

Agent KodamaSmiles​​ flint dille​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​ H. Richard Loeb​​ Operation Essex​​ Project Isthmus​​ Niantic Project​​ Ingress​​



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