
Showing posts from August, 2017

I decided to propose an experiment using this project..

I decided to propose an experiment using this project.. Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2017.24 Human. Want. Stong. Path. Harmony. Septicycle 2017.24 : Shaper Glyph Intercept Before. Recharge. Want. Outside. Journey. Lead. Harmony. Xm. All. Data. Path. Human. Hide. Us. Improve. Response. Strong. Mind. Presence. Open. Help. Sustain. Discover. Shaper. Consequence. Septicycle 2017.24.01 Discover. Harmony. Septicycle 2017.24.02 Want Stong. Data. Septicycle 2017.24.03 Recharge. Before. Response. Septicycle 2017.24.04 Sustain. All. Strong Desire Septicycle 2017.24.05 Discover. Path. Journey. Outside. Septicycle 2017.24.06 Help. Shapers. Hide. Our. Presence. Septicycle 2017.24.07 Improve. Human. Mind. Accept. XM. Unused Glyphs Lead. Consequence. The subject of #ingress #shaperglyph studies is a strange beast. So, let me propose an experiment for those who do not think my #shaperPortents are not worthy of study. At the end of each week, ...

Septicycle 2017.23

Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2017.23 Liberate. Soul. Defend. Gain. Safety. Septicycle 2017.23 : Shaper Glyph Intercept use.  call. lead. liberate. self. resistance-b open. share. worth. help. Clear. knowledge. defend. destiny. chaos. clear-all. safety. soul. xm.  *gain.* complex. future. now. live. Septicycle 2017.23.01 Share. Destiny. Septicycle 2017.23.02 Clear. Soul. Septicycle 2017.23.03 Knowledge. Worth. Defend. Septicycle 2017.23.04 Call. Help. Gain. Safety. Septicycle 2017.23.05 Clear-All. Chaos. Liberate. Self. Septicycle 2017.23.06 Use. XM. Accept. Complex. Future. Septicycle 2017.23.07 Defend. Soul. Liberate. Lead. Safety. Unused Glyphs Resistance-b. Now. Live About two months ago, I found myself sitting in on the #fateOfThe12 discussions, with a sense of hopeful excitement towards the uncertain future. #TheSeven were planning to flip #theNianticMagnus's taco cart allowing everyone but Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ and Roland Jarvis​...

Four of the six Project Isthmus founders got to meet up at Magnus Reawakens in Portland!

Four of the six Project Isthmus founders got to meet up at Magnus Reawakens in Portland! BigMatty, pORFECTION, GaanEden, and Morgyan! This was at the ENL after party.

Glyph Drill Down: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Glyph Drill Down: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind? @Essayons75 / Resistance This sequence seems way more ambiguously ominous than most we’ve seen so far. What does is mean by Presence? Just Human existence, or are Humans interfering inside the portal network in some way that will have a negative impact on reality? Is traveling through the network causing problems on the other sid...


#PortalsAreMoving Originally shared by ViridCascadia The Tecthulhu are on the move. Six of the thirteen Tecthulhu have been attracted to the anomalous event related to #13MAGNUSReawakens, occurring in Portland Oregon on August 26th 2017. #ViridCascadia, Temple of Light, Transvisionary Oracle, Resonating Redwood, Team NorCal and Tu es qui conformat will have representation of their Tecthulhu supported portals on site. These portals will be available to view and interact with, in-person and in-scanner. Don't forget to register for the anomaly and join your faction on the ground! Time: 9am-noon; and immediately following the anomaly. Place: Pettygrove Park Register: We are grateful to the continued support from Niantic​​ for this project and to the #Ingress community for their interest and curiosity in exploring all things XM! H. Richard Loeb​​​ John Hanke​​ Andrew Krug​​ Chris Chipman​​ Flint Dille​​ Ed...