I decided to propose an experiment using this project..

I decided to propose an experiment using this project.. Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique) Septicycle 2017.24 Human. Want. Stong. Path. Harmony. Septicycle 2017.24 : Shaper Glyph Intercept Before. Recharge. Want. Outside. Journey. Lead. Harmony. Xm. All. Data. Path. Human. Hide. Us. Improve. Response. Strong. Mind. Presence. Open. Help. Sustain. Discover. Shaper. Consequence. Septicycle 2017.24.01 Discover. Harmony. Septicycle 2017.24.02 Want Stong. Data. Septicycle 2017.24.03 Recharge. Before. Response. Septicycle 2017.24.04 Sustain. All. Strong Desire Septicycle 2017.24.05 Discover. Path. Journey. Outside. Septicycle 2017.24.06 Help. Shapers. Hide. Our. Presence. Septicycle 2017.24.07 Improve. Human. Mind. Accept. XM. Unused Glyphs Lead. Consequence. The subject of #ingress #shaperglyph studies is a strange beast. So, let me propose an experiment for those who do not think my #shaperPortents are not worthy of study. At the end of each week, ...