I decided to propose an experiment using this project..

I decided to propose an experiment using this project..
Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)
Septicycle 2017.24
Human. Want. Stong. Path. Harmony.
Septicycle 2017.24 : Shaper Glyph Intercept
Before. Recharge. Want. Outside. Journey. Lead. Harmony. Xm. All. Data. Path. Human. Hide. Us. Improve. Response. Strong. Mind. Presence. Open. Help. Sustain. Discover. Shaper. Consequence.
Septicycle 2017.24.01
Discover. Harmony.
Septicycle 2017.24.02
Want Stong. Data.
Septicycle 2017.24.03
Recharge. Before. Response.
Septicycle 2017.24.04
Sustain. All. Strong Desire
Septicycle 2017.24.05
Discover. Path. Journey. Outside.
Septicycle 2017.24.06
Help. Shapers. Hide. Our. Presence.
Septicycle 2017.24.07
Improve. Human. Mind. Accept. XM.
Unused Glyphs
Lead. Consequence.
The subject of #ingress #shaperglyph studies is a strange beast. So, let me propose an experiment for those who do not think my #shaperPortents are not worthy of study. At the end of each week, I will post the previous week’s digest in Essex, Project Isthmus and within my collections. I would like you to focus on one of the sequences each day, or on one specific sequence for the entirety of the following week to see what happens. If the glyphs affect your day/week then I invite you to write a reply on that specific digest or daily shaper portent post. Remember, not every shaper portent glyph sequence will resonate with every agent. Do not be surprised if a specific sequence does not affect you.
The reason for this experiment is because I’m interested in seeing if I was experiencing was a form of prognostication or if it was an act of manifestation as a result of my spending time focusing on the sequences I created. Unfortunately, the best way to solve that question is to propose a grand study to test all of the variables including who created the sequences that I posted for a week.
But first, let me finish this backlog.
Ingress John Hanke flint dille Andrew Krug
H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright Agent KodamaSmiles
Roland Jarvis Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Carrie Campbell Stein Lightman enoch dalby Hank Johnson Misty Hannah Devra Bogdanovich Martin Schubert Yuri Alaric Nagassa A Detection Algorithm
#ingress #shaperGlyphs #shaperPortents
Very cool Mario Valenzuela II!