Glyph Drill Down: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Glyph Drill Down: After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

After Imperfect Human Presence Consequence

Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Essayons75 / Resistance
This sequence seems way more ambiguously ominous than most we’ve seen so far. What does is mean by Presence? Just Human existence, or are Humans interfering inside the portal network in some way that will have a negative impact on reality? Is traveling through the network causing problems on the other side? On this side? Is it our hacking weapons, resonators, and other gear from portals that is damaging the balance?

My thinking leans towards the interpretation that network travel and visions are bad in some way for the beings on the other side. Humans have been Imperfectly interfering inside the portal network and disrupting... something. That interference will have certainly have negative Consequence.

We agents should be wary of how our interactions with portals impact the other side. Without further instruction on what we are doing and how to stop or change this harm there is nothing to do but wait and hope it’s not too late.

@SHODANn / Enlightened
This is a warning that our (human) imperfections have consequences. And who can argue this? Just look at how we knowingly live unsustainable lives that causes our planet to overheat!

But should we read something more into the fact that exogenous entities are sending us this warning? Perhaps the ‘imperfect human presence’ they mean is our current exploration of XM? Perhaps it isn’t just the Shapers and N’Zeer that ingress into our world but the other way around too. Perhaps our XM war with XMPs and not to mention the Aegis Nova are having consequences in their worlds as well.

Who sent the glyph sequence? It could be either the Shapers or N’Zeer. The mention of ‘perfection’ seem to be more towards the N’Zeer, but that is a subtle clue which could be incidental. (And I don’t quite trust that N’Zeer are real... Show me some evidence of them!)

@Ishira / Resistance
After there is an imperfect human presence there is a consequence. I know I added more than I normally do to the sequence here but I wanted to be sure to show exactly what I saw when I read this sequence. I have to wonder what the presence of this person would cause, what they have done. By calling them imperfect it’s easy to get a negative context in this sequence and thus assume that not only does the person do something wrong or foolish but that the consequence of their actions may also be negative to whoever this person influences. Though the consequence is not clear, it’s easy to assume it’s not something we would want or prefer.

Of course Human could be singular, but it can also be used to represent humans as a whole. Part of me wants to say it doesn’t, that it is focused on a certain human being or group because if it were humans as a whole then civilization would be a better glyph to use. To me, the sequence could be warning us of a specific group or person, though I don’t think glyphs ever truly focus on one person so it is hard for me to fully believe in this. What’s easier for me to believe is that it could be discussing our inner flaws, what we feel is imperfect in ourselves, and how they have come to bring us harmful consequences…. Or maybe not just harmful.

Like most sequences, I can’t help but believe this sequence is suppose to challenge our way of thinking. As I read it over and over I realized that the only negativity within this sequence is the negativity I’ve put there. Glyphs aren’t a complete language, that we know of yet, so we fill in the gaps with our own to make sense of it. This includes our emotions, and our perceived context. And yes, our factions and their beliefs. Imperfect is easily seen in a negative light, but it is just a descriptive word and one that isn’t necessarily wrong. As humans we have flaws, we are far from perfect and that isn’t always a bad thing but when describing us in glyphs imperfect sums us up rather well. If we look past the negativity of this word, it could change the entire meaning of this sequence.

Maybe, just simply, it is telling us that no matter the type of presence we have, whether it’s good or bad, there will be a consequence. There will be a result, a reaction, a movement. We effect the world and people around us just simply being us… Imperfect and unique…. In this context… I can only see the message coming from those who support us on either side. Beings or people telling us that no matter what we do we will have an effect…. So why not make it a good one?

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
For this glyph sequence I want to thank Ariel Diana for doing a great structure analysis.[1] It helped me a lot for basic thoughts and further studies.

I don’t think this sequence is meant to be personal. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution our species should have been shaped to a perfect organism by natural selection.

But the human being is biologically not exactly a mature model. Evolution has left many open construction sites in us - more than in other creatures on earth. The appendix is a parade example for not only superfluous, even disturbing remnants from the early days. Although the eye is by far the best developed sense organ, most of the vertebrates are superior to us. Not to mention twirling. Humanity is, biologically, anything but the crown of creation and still imperfect. But will we ever be? Influences an improved health system and advances in regenerative medicine our genetic heritage - where does evolution go?

For that, Jahan accused the Acolyte of selling illusions and false dreams. Her visions of human evolution by science, technology, computers, knowledge and artificial intelligence are clearly described in her response to the Acolyte.[2]

I would assume that Jahan was the first to see this sequence during the “Invocation” of the N’Zeer as a vision.[3]

Whether it’s propaganda or truth, that’s for each of us to decide.


@GaanEden / Enlightened
On the whole, it looks like our Roundtable mostly agreed with each other. However, it is true… the glyphs are a memetic language based on a context we don’t yet understand.

I run these once a month. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Linda Besh Andrew Krug John Hanke Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


  1. Jennifer Brozek​ yes, it's happened not very often that our roundtable agreed. So an exogenous voice whispering this sequence to us?


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