Glyph Drill Down: Mind Technology Capture Human Soul

Glyph Drill Down: Mind Technology Capture Human Soul

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:

Mind Technology Capture Human Soul

Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@Wikkedimp / Enlightened
First thought when I read this was ADA and Klue. And, in all honesty, it was hard to get past it to see the glyphs behind the sequence. So I dug into the glyph sequence to figure out what it meant to me.

We must be mindful of technology or we will lose who and what we are. Technology is moving so fast these days. Everyone is excited of what it can accomplish. It helps those without a voice finally have one, it helps that without sight to see. It has helped those without legs walk again. It is quite amazing. So why should we be mindful of technology?

Because there is potential to lose one’s self. I believe this is what the Shapers are warning us about. That if we aren’t careful, AI will take over us. That we will become like them. Thoughts, memories, ideas, how we are as an individual. All on a computer chip attached to a CPU within our brain.

@Theronatas / Resistance
As a good Investigator, it’s important to not let one’s Faction ideology influence your thoughts. I will attempt to keep that mantra in the forefront in my response.

Given what we know of the nature of the ‘man’ known as Tycho, it’s very easy to read this sequence as... a statement of fact. We know that Tycho, someone who was gifted with great creativity (or maybe creativity heightened by XM influence), is actually an automaton known as a Techthulhu. It’s widely thought that creativity is a spark of the human soul given form. Given that line of logic, it’s reasonable to posit that a technology that possesses the creativity that the Tycho Techthulhu does has some piece of a human soul ‘captured’ within it.

Whether that was given freely or taken forcibly, we may never know. Was it actually ‘born’ like you and I, or is it a sophisticated AI-type being, even beyond what we’ve seen in the likes of ADA? Again, we may never know. I once brought up to the Essex community at large a theory that the Techthulhu were ‘programmed’ to embody particular aspects of humanity. The reveal of the Tycho Techthulhu seems to back that up, and this Glyph sequence gives some feeling that there’s possibility of more Techthulhu like Tycho out there. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe may have been more right than we know: “Where there is one, there will be many.”

As I stated in the previous paragraph, I feel like the sequence is a statement of fact. So it would make sense to me that the sequence is sender-agnostic; Shaper or N’zeer, it shouldn’t matter because the truth is there with the Tycho Techthulhu. The interpretation, however, could be up for debate depending on who gets the sequence. It could serve as a warning (technology WILL capture the soul, if you’re not careful), or it could serve as hope (preservation beyond his mortal realm, perhaps?). Like a good Agent of the Grey, I stand somewhere near a midpoint... The sequence starts a story, and as it tells its story, it spawns more stories to tell through the stories of those who listen. After all, like a good man once said, “...We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?”

There’s a ‘light’ and ‘dark’ side to everything, human souls and technology included... But it can be argued that even those concepts are ‘constructs.’ The NIA saw Tycho as a ‘dangerous subversive’ type, a disruptive influence. While others were inspired by Tycho’s work, some inspired enough to look beneath the surface and uncover truths, be they comfortable or not. But who’s ‘right?’

We’ll only possibly find out at the end of the story.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
Scientists are already capable of rudimentary thought-reading. Technology that reads your mind seems like a dream. Or just a nightmare. Depends on what you believe. But mind technology will change us. So, that’s why I believe this sequence speaks to the human collective. N’Zeer Technology Mind Evolution is another sequence that could give a hint to who the sender is: The N’Zeer. “They will bring knowledge with them. Secrets of the universe. Long hidden Truth”, postulated Oliver Lynton-Wolfe.

But there’s another part of this sequence I want to speculate about: Capture Human Soul

A.D.A. used a glyph sequence as part of a mind programming technology for ingression into Klue. She definitely captured her soul by that changing Klue’s alignment from Enlightened to Resistance. I believe that our discussed sequence is an evidence for glyphs having a mind programming function by itself. If so, this sequence isn’t from the N’Zeer only. It’s a dial tone from the Shapers, too.

@Ishira / Resistance
Technology has a way of capturing us. Its power, potential, knowledge, and also much more is captivating and has a way of grabbing our attention and not letting go. We get sucked into technology easily and misjudge it, much like our phones and social media…

When I read this sequence and consider when it came out, I know this is likely talking about the Tecthulhu and how it has the souls of people and of course Klue and Susanna. I can’t say it’s a warning though, because when I observe the glyphs and their secondaries there is no indication of danger or harm. There is truth and change, but it’s also important to note safety isn’t there either. It seems like a simple statement of facts that technology does have a way of capturing the soul and also the entirety of a human as every glyph that makes up a human is present.

We know outside this sequence that technology seems to change person entirely, as our soul can be argued is what makes us who we are. If we look at the events that surrounded the death of Susanna and the capturing of Klue’s soul, we know that Oliver quickly changed because of the technology he was dealing with. Maybe not as much as we would like to think though. I believe technology has the influence of changing People and the potential of pulling who people really are out into the open.

Everyone knew Oliver would do what he needed to in order to get the Tecthulhu to work and advance his own research. No one wanted to think that he could kill for it but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. With the introduction of this technology those Gates opened for him. One could argue that he would have done it even without the Tecthulhu, that he had the potential and I would agree with them. But there’s no question my mind that this happened because of this technology. Because Oliver felt there was no other way. I would not say it was directly the fault of the technology but as it’s been seen technology has a way of driving anyone to insanity… When we believe answers and power are within our grasps, we will do things we don’t expect and Technology can have more questions than answers. It’s almost as if it’s the nature of the Beast…

Simply put it is not necessarily the Technology’s fault but the fault of the human that continues to allow the technology more of its soul. We are free thinking. It is time to question how much of ourselves we give to our technology and whether or not it has changed us for the better or worse. Whether or not we are freely giving it too much control.

Again these are just my thoughts as I read the sequence, for the first time in a while I am not defining what the sequence is, but rather letting my thoughts wander on it. I don’t believe that this was a specific faction that sent out this message because again there is no proof of it. I do believe however it is a sequence that can represent and change agents. If they will let it….

@GaanEden / Enlightened
When I saw “Mind Technology Capture Human Soul,” my first thought was that people once feared taking a picture of them would capture their soul. Fear of technology is as old as time. We fear what we do not understand.

My puzzlement comes from who the sender is. If it is the Shapers or the N’zeer, is it pearl clutching like the modern day warnings the role-playing games will led to devil worship or videogames will led to real world violence? Or is it a literal warning that mind technology will capture what makes you you? If it is some sort of future humanity sending back a warning, clearly the warning doesn’t work and the mind technology doesn’t capture all of us.

I run these once a month. If you are interested in joining in, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong John Hanke flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb


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