Last septicycle's #shaperPortent sequences were by Ishira Tsubasa.

Last septicycle's #shaperPortent sequences were by Ishira Tsubasa.
Originally shared by Mario Valenzuela II (Relique)
Septicycle 2017.36
Recharge. Restraint. Body. Interrupt. Rebel.
Septicycle 2017.36 : Shaper Glyph Intercept
Safety. Discover. Human. Potential. Die. Distance. Easy. Follow. Old. Advance. Stability. Recharge. Interrupt. Gain. Avoid. Simple. Rebel. Restraint. Adapt. I. Destination. Call. Body. Contemplate. Contract.
Septicycle 2017.36.01
Gain. Distance.
Septicycle 2017.36.02
Contemplate. Easy. Restraint.
Septicycle 2017.36.03
Simple. Safety. Destination.
Septicycle 2017.36.04
Interrupt. Rebel. Die.
Septicycle 2017.36.05
Advance. Stability. Avoid. Call.
Septicycle 2017.36.06
Discover. Human. Old. Potential.
Septicycle 2017.36.07
Follow. Contract. Adapt. Recharge.
Unused Glyphs
I. Body.
Many questions were raised during this septicycle continue to remain unanswered even though #13magnusReawakens had reached its glorious conclusion. As we enter into 2017.Q4 only two things are certain: We can now submit portals and the age of the #Enlightened is still ongoing.
Thanks again, Ishira Tsubasa for your work. Expect the second guest commentator session to occur some time during either septicycle 2017.40 or 2017.41. So if you are interested participating in my experiment, let me know by 2017.38.07.
#ingress #shaperGlyphs #shaperPortents
Ingress John Hanke flint dille Andrew Krug Chiplander
H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright Agent KodamaSmiles Tycho C.
Roland Jarvis Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Carrie Campbell Stein Lightman enoch dalby Hank Johnson Misty Hannah Devra Bogdanovich Martin Schubert Yuri Alaric Nagassa A Detection Algorithm
It's ok to see you soon