Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. These are roundtable examinations of glyph phrases. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:


Given what has come before, what do you think this phrase means? What is the receiver supposed to understand? Does it matter who the sender is? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

@jaicat / Enlightened
I seem this sequence is “Search XM for finding the distance and the destination.”

The distance: I seem the distance mean “the distance of time.” Hank Johnson said something he had long been considering to be part of increased XM activity is the concept of hyper-threading, of time existing along multiple paths. I seem the point increasing XM is the dimension node which manifest Exogenous entities or precursors and hyper-threading might occur the distance of time from our real world.

The destination: Stein Lightman said complex Glyphic structures (encoded instructions) could allow them to re-assemble and acquire knowledge, form and skills relative to the Dimensional Node in which they have manifested (or in plain language, where they have arrived). In theory, if properly assembled the Precursors could manifest as intelligent ‘indigenous entities’ capable of operating within this dimensional reality. Even if I asked any researchers where they have come, this mystery cannot be solved easily.

Quo Vadis..... Lightman also said if one or more Precursors were to manifest in our world, they would begin to interface with everything they touch: Agents, Portals, who knows what else. Might their destination be Mind Palace? This sequence might be to search, discover, and contact “exogenouses.”

@Athafil / Resistance
I have started to examine this sequence as it is and I am really fascinated by the first word SEARCH. Because searching is what makes us alive IMHO. In addition the world “search” is often connected to the concept of “Quest” as in Search/Quest for the Grail. And during this quest the clueless, the quester, beginning from his “clueless” state to a person which through experience and various important meeting can become an “hero.” However in all of this the most important thing is the voyage in itself as a method of improving ourselves and not the final destination.

So this sequence of Glyphs for me that is the “SEARCH” for “XM” you will have to make a long trip to reach your “DISTANCE DESTINATION” but only in this way you can find yourself. And for us agent “XM” becomes our “holy grail” because XM is what is bringing us together.

@Metamorphis / Enlightened
There’s one quote by Hank Johnson, the so called Nomad Hypothesis, which I believe explains the true meaning of today’s sequence perfectly.

“My theory, known as the Nomad Hypothesis, is that Exotic Matter drifts outwards from portals over thousands of years. That ancient XM leaves a shadow that I know how to detect. In the path of these XM shadows, you can often find an ancient civilization, shrine or significant artwork. These trace patterns helps to explain why an ancient civilization can flourish in one place, but then decay and die. Portals disappear taking their inspiring power with them. Ancient civilizations are built on the portals of yesterday.” (Hank Johnson)

This glyph sequence reminds me to explore Exotic Matter where no portals can be seen on the scanner yet—outside fully known destinations. It’s similar to what Jarvis once said, “Have you opened your eyes to the wonder and beauty of the world around you? Do you see new paths?”

In my opinion these glyphs come directly from the Shapers speaking in our minds; in each of us. By exploring new portals, and if we believe Jarvis in that point, each step brings us closer to the Ultimate.

@Ishira / Resistance
Reading this sequence I can see two major ways it can be defined that are quite different from each other.

Search XM for Distance Destination and Searching XM is a distance destination.

In both contexts, we are, of course, using XM but the way we would use it is different.

Search XM for Distance Destination, I believe tells us we are suppose to somehow use XM to find the destination. That it is somehow the key to finding the destination though what the destination is, is not clear in any way. Distance just informs us that the destination isn’t necessarily within our grasps but doesn’t honestly warn us that it would be difficult to get to. Difficult is not in this sequence of glyphs or even within the secondaries of them. Neither is journey which I find personally interesting.

When we think about a distance destination, it seems to me that a journey or even a path (which is also not present) would have to be required. Whether it be a spiritual or physical one, most destinations are not sudden and as the sequence implies, this one has some distance to it. But also, there is nothing that indicates that this destination is even one a human can reach. All glyphs that imply ‘human’ are absent as well, but this could simply be because the sequence is only a 4 point glyph and a 5 point sequence has not been made or revealed to show us the deeper and clearer meaning behind this sequence. So there is a lot that can be guessed and implied when it comes to this sequence in this context.

Searching XM is a distance destination, I feel can be taken in two ways itself depending on the agent. Essentially I read it as an acknowledgement that understanding XM itself is going to require commitment, that it isn’t an easy thing to understand, but also as I stated before, not difficult as the glyph is not in the secondaries. For some they could see it as a deterrent, as distance implies that there will be a certain amount of time required. For others, it could be read as encouragement, an acknowledgement that there has been time put into understanding XM and to not give up. It is very much dependant on the agent’s mindset. Either way it seems to me that in this context there is someone or something that has already reached this destination of understanding what XM is and is telling someone who may not have reached that level yet, that it takes time to get to it.

The one thing I would really like to note in this though, as I have brought up that there are a lot of key secondaries missing, is that there is one very important secondary within this sequence. Answer. I could go into more details on why I believe this is an important glyph within this sequence, but that is for a different study. For now, I will just say that I feel that the destination implied in this sequence, is an answer, but to what I don’t know.

@GaanEden / Enlightened
For me, this is a simple sequence. “Search [for] XM [leads to] Distance Destination. The more we search for XM, where it is and its properties, the farther we travel, the more we learn. It is not and imperative, it is merely a statement.

If you are interested in joining in a roundtable, please post in the comments. Or contact either Ishira or Metamorphis. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Haerang Dong flint dille Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman H. Richard Loeb John Hanke


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