More information / images from the lockbox

More information / images from the lockbox

Hello, its been quite the last... 72? hours... When I opened the box with Susanna Moyer I could see that the contents was further protected within the box. When I brought it to a safe place to inspect, it occurred to me that perhaps the method and matter the contents was wrapped in may be a clue in and of itself.  Here are photos of how it was when received. (Also, please know that it is our goal to release further images with minimal delay.)

Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Andrew Krug Linda B 


  1. Can you describe the texture of that material?  Was it dry rotted and generating a lot of dust or did it feel pretty well preserved?  From your being able to pull the twine off that bundle in tact I'm assuming it's held up better than expected for a truly ancient wrapping (unless there's something special about the container that preserved it).

  2. Soo.... there is something poking out there in that first picture, something pointy? Like a shark tooth?

  3. I heard there were only rocks/stones inside...

  4. please let the scroll be an ancient rendering of rick astley with the legend "He who shall Never Desert Us"

  5. Mike Wissinger it certainly was dry and well preserved

  6. Niko M just when I thought the weekend couldn't get wierder, you ask me this and so I taste it. It actually tasted a little mildewy, an attribute I couldn't smell before.

  7. Artifacts found in a dry cave are often well preserved, even for thousands of years.


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