Some hi-res photos of "the key"...

Some hi-res photos of "the key"...

Recently Edgar Allan Wright inquired as to the era of the key found in Italy... perhaps these photos will help.

Operation Essex H. Richard Loeb 


  1. Matt Stevenson Mad thanks for showing me this! It's intriguing....the Enlightened succeeded in the Mission to snag the key so therefore it looks like only the Enlightened could open the box in Seattle. 
    If a Resistance Agent gave Susanna this key, aligned to the ENL, what would happen? 

    I can only hope the Enlightened are successful in delivering this to Susanna in Seattle. Whatever lies in that box may be crucial to our Investigation.

  2. I'm sure the key is in good hands and will make to where it needs to go on time. I have to say, I really want to know what is in that box.

  3. Jennifer Brozek As it stands now, the contents of the box are on the minds of everyone :) 
    Only time will tell what is inside. That and whether the ENL will publicly release its contents.

  4. Mustafa Said I'm sure more experienced agents than me will make that decision. :)

  5. I can't wait to see what happens at Obsidian! So many questions!! :-)


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