
Glyph Talk 1/5: The Senders

I’ve got a series of related topics and theories when it comes to the glyphs and the glyph language we see coming from the portals. In this first post, I’m going to focus on the senders themselves. Before I begin I want to set out a couple of definitions. 

-- A meme is an idea or concept that spreads from person to person within a culture.
-- A memetic language is a language based on units of culture.
Based on the research gathered from around the world and shared with me (thank you Agent Codon011), I want to propose three theories.
Theory 1: Glyphs are a universal memetic language.
Theory 2: There are two different ideological groups of senders.
Theory 3: There are some glyphs that one side will not use because it is not part of their culture.
Theory 1: Glyphs are a universal memetic language
Rather than an actual written language like humans have today, glyphs impart concepts directly to the viewer’s brain where they are mulled over and considered by the subconscious long after the we have stopped looking at them. Glyphs, by design, transfer cultural ideas rather than just sending messages, instructions, or warnings. They imprint on us. The patterns of the message come to our minds immediately.
“Defend Message …  …”
Did you think “Answer Idea/Thought”? Some of you did. Some of you didn’t. For the ones who did, the pattern is engrained within your subconscious. You may not act on this concept. You have free will. But the pattern is there and urging it forward.
Theory 2: There are two different ideological groups of senders.
At this point, this theory seems obvious based on the simple messages:
“Fight Resistance Pursue Enlightenment” and “Fight Enlightenment Pursue Resistance”
When I first picked up my scanner, everyone I spoke to said that the glyphs came from the Shapers. I believed this. Until I didn’t. I did not understand why the Shapers would send messages that were counter to what they wanted us to do. I read that there might be multiple factions within the Shapers that might cause such clashes of messages.
When it became clear that the N’zeer were involved, I wondered if two such ancient societies could use the same memetic language to communicate. It makes sense that they do. This is where the concept of a memetic language comes into its own. Unlike language and word drift, memes would remain consistent for a much longer time. There would not be the problem we have between “Old English” and “English” because the concepts of “civilization” and “nature” and “creation” and “destruction” would remain constant.
That said….
Theory 3: There are some glyphs that one side will not use because it is not part of their culture.
In specific, the Shaper and N’zeer cultures are so different that one side would not be able to use some concepts from the other because they would be too alien. There are a few glyphs I’m thinking of in specific:
Hide, Ignore, Forget, Distance/Outside, and Open.
The Shaper civilization, as I understand it, is a hive mind, a universal conscious there all live as one while the N’zeer civilization is based more on the individual journey. As such, the Shaper society would be unable to Hide, Ignore, or Forget anything. Same with the concept of being Outside or distancing oneself from the whole.
Even the way the glyphs are shaped make me feel cut off. (Same with the glyph Weak but that will be discussed in post 3.) What one knows, the rest know. These are glyphs of the N’zeer.
Open, on the other hand, is a glyph of acceptance and bring others into the self. This feels like a Shaper glyph. One that the N’zeer, who seem to prize individual growth to promote the whole rather subsuming the self within the whole.
I have not examined every glyph because most clearly belong to both civilizations. I’m curious what you think about this concept. Which glyphs do you believe belong only to one side or the other?
flint dille John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright Hank Johnson


  1. Theory 1 and 2 seem compatible.  For example, Shaper, Resistance, Strong, Together is an expression that we have not seen, but may come up in the future.  I can see why Shapers would not want to transmit this message, but we don't know the source.  Are there other possible sources who would not want to transmit that message?  It might be possible to eliminate options and then see what's left.

  2. I'd expand theory 2 to simply state there are multiple sources. We may only have named 2 but we've no reason to call that an exhaustive list.

  3. I use two for now because we have glyphs for two. (Shaper/N'zeer). I will expand when another comes to light.

  4. If there's another source for glyphs, my suspicions would be really high on glyph master Lightman.  No glyph that means "Lightman" in order to avoid suspicion.  That might also be why we haven't seen new sequences in a while.

  5. Yes I think we are only dealing with two, it certainly doesn't negate the possibility of more, but two is all that we currently have any knowledge of...a third but remote possibility would be ADA but there is no evidence as yet to support that. So, I believe two are all we need to concentrate on.

  6. We have our hands full with that:-)

  7. You were right, Jennifer, I needed to read this!

  8. I suspect some messages may be originating with the collective subconscious of human agents, rather than from either outside force.  e.g. "Strong Together, Avoid War."  Or, "Humans Not Together, Civilization Decay."

  9. Really interesting topic, I have always wondered about one of the sender's being our onw collective subconscious like Auros Harman​, becuase of the same reason that he did, but following your theory Jennifer Brozek​ , those glyphs could be also attributed to the shapers and we have assimilated them. It would be easy to see why the shaper would say avoid war, if the war would mean that the n'zeer have arrived to our dimension or would ask us to stay together (and with them)to avoid their enemies reaching this plane.

  10. I see the Shapers and N'Zeer as inverse reflections, in a way. My ideas are primarily influenced by Yuri Alaric Nagassa's post here: https://plus.google.com/+YuriAlaricNagassa/posts/NveEneB8pUk

    The Shapers may be a collective, but one where there are differences, highs and lows, different colors. All part of a whole, but an infinitely variable whole, with each person's individual perceptions adding to the richness of the group's texture.

    The N'Zeer may be composed of individual points of light, but each is constrained to be like the others. The infinite complexity comes from how they arrange the fish in the school, not from their individual differences. Each is just a point of light, mathematically precise.

    Were the Shapers to be a hive mind and universal consciousness, would that not tend to preclude the sorts of individual experienced necessary to create that richness? There is a necessary sharing, a belonging to and repose within the collective, but without becoming a single overall mind or consciousness.

    Were the N'Zeer to be based on the individual journey, would that not tend to produce an outcome other than mathematical precision, with each individual a mere point of light like the others? They may advocate individualism, but is that fundamentally compatible with the strict ordering and precision of their culture?

    I feel that some glyphs (like Distance / Outside) may well be Shaper glyphs. They may be mostly unused, and evoke definite discomfort, but that concept forms part of the understanding needed to express a continuum of experience with infinite differential possibility. Contrast with the N'Zeer, who believe nothing in the universe is indescribable by equations and rigorous study. What would their concept of "outside" be, when their fundamental belief is that everything reduces to pure mathematics?

  11. Morph TXR13 your description of the n'zeer reminder me of the indivual 11 group that appared on gosh on the shell 2nd gig. A series of individual character that reclaim more individualism for the society being each other almost a perfect copy of the other.

  12. You've given me a lot to think about Morph TXR13.

  13. Jennifer Brozek My immediate instinct is to apologize, but hopefully I have not said too much or spoken out of turn. :)

  14. Morph TXR13 Do not apologize! You have given me a lot to think about. A point of view I had not yet considered. I am trained to look at all sides of a problem and you showed me where I was blind. Thank you. There is an element, the human one, I must consider in my theories.

  15. First of all my full respect for your work and your detailed thoughts you are sharing with us. Thank you. Language is for me a transmitter/receiver-model. There is not only a sender without audience. Hank said in an Interview: "Glyphs are neither good nor evil. They are the embodiment of a communication with mankind. A dialogue that has been going on for thousands of years. A dialogue between our species and one that has an awful lot to teach us. Glyphs are more than words. They are like a programming language for our minds. Glyphs have created entire civilizations and yes, glyphs have also destroyed entire civilizations.” So for me it’s more to ask about the receiver of these messages not the sender. I think the Shaper and N’Zeer exist within ourself. I prefer theory 1.

  16. Thank you Achim S.. I actually meant to propose all three theories independent of each other. But, yes, the receiver is important and I get into that in the 3rd glyph post that will go up after the anomaly.

  17. Achim S. When I first saw that Hank Johnson comment, it made me think of Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash...  Perhaps the Obsidian Shield might be an analogue to the nam-shub of Enki, useful for immunizing the human mind against certain types of controlling input.


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