An idea that's been swirling in my mind. What do you guys think?

An idea that's been swirling in my mind. What do you guys think?

Originally shared by Mustafa Said

I'd like to shed light on a random thought that's been mulling in my mind for a long time now.

I'm considering hosting a investigation hangout event soon, similar to the one Edgar Allan Wright​ hosted during Abaddon.

It is important to state that nothing about this is concrete yet. If everything on my end works in my favor, I'll be poking some of you to appear as members of the hangout.

What do you guys think? What topics should we discuss? If I choose to go ahead about this, what advice can you give to me to help make the experience run as smooth as possible? Share your thoughts here.



  1. I think this would be a good thing. I support it.

  2. Mustafa Said I think this is a great idea! In fact, it was that Hangouts you mention where Jennifer Brozek , Jaime Quinonez , and myself first aligned as Investigators - so a fond memory for me for sure!

    I think it would be of most value if you can secure a special guest... not sure if that's possible? But certainly if you could get flint dille , Edgar Allan Wright , Hank Johnson , or possibly even Stein Lightman ?  I know that's a huge ask of them, but at the same time - you have done so much to aid in Operation Essex , perhaps it can be done?  If so - I'd say the topics may be gleaned from topics that are current on their minds ATM...

    As for how to make it run smooth - CERTAINLY I have some input there! The earlier one confused me in that I was unclear on how exactly, as an audience member, you interact.  At first I thought "text only", then I saw people using video chat - but I couldn't figure that out... THEN later I realized the people on video chat had used an early RSVP to set that up. So - just be very clear on the actual mechanics of how the Hangout works.  I think that alone will make it run the smoothest.

  3. Matt Stevenson Thank you for the suggestions! I'm already considering  the idea of securing guests for a potential Q/A segment, possibly towards the end of the broadcast, Rest assured, I'll leave ample time for questions from both the panelists and online questions. Granted, there are such a large amount of guests I'd like to have featured-some I'd even like to help me host the event as well, i'm not exactly an experienced host and all-but I've got not a single person guaranteed just yet. At this time, I'm trying to figure out the discussion topics and create some sort of an schedule for how the event will go before I begin poking people :) 

    I'm very interested in any ideas that can shared for potential discussion topics as well as potential Hangout members both from the community and special guests. Any help in this area will allow this idea to become more concrete and therefore, move more speedily :)


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