Resistance On Point

Resistance On Point

Special thanks to Vicki Ellen , Aze Bugy , and Mustafa Said 

Project Isthmus respectfully asks you do not share our subtitles to subtitle sharing pages/lists/apps. ;-)

Operation Essex Andrew Krug Linda B


  1. Hello PI fans! We will award a code to the first person who can comment on this thread that can explain "mechanically speaking, how is this post related to the opening of the box Susanna Moyer had?"

  2. Are they discussing the moving of the artifacts?

  3. it opens with a resistance member lementing the fact they were unable to get the key themselves to present to susanna. Or at least that's what I got from the first few sentences

  4. Ishira Tsubasa good ideas, but think more "mechanical"...

  5. lol i was throwing things out there cause no one else said anything. hmmm ill think a bit more on it

  6. Mustafa Said  knows whats going on cause mustafa was given orders :P

  7. im horrible at thinking mechanically lol im better at rambling.

  8. Maybe its mustafa was given orders, an envelope with information was opened? in front of everyone but the contents were not shared

  9. LOL, actually along the "mechanical" lines of this challenge, no even Mustafa Said does not know what the answer is. (I mean, he can certainly figure it out - as could anyone... for now...)

  10. i think Mustafa Said should share what their mission is ;) lol (though i know that wont happen its worth trying right?)

  11. last time you said mechanical it was along the lines of paying attention to a certain phrase. "you" wasnt it?

  12. A clue, FWIW - at some point this question could only be guessed, and not concretely answered. And if it were to have to be guessed - it would be quite a stretch to think it actually could be...

  13. im not a mechanical girl, but i love puzzles so ill continue to ramble until i find another clue. if the resistance wins the next anomaly series would that mean the 'artifact' would be rendered useless? they are ultimately saying the resistance needs to win, to keep the shield from being used against the n'zeer yes?

  14. i love clues! as long as i ramble youll end up having to give clues because ill either be close or very far off and you will have to redirect the conversation some way :P

  15. well i think the biggest guess is that the artifact may be the shield its self

  16. Matt Stevenson​​ I only know one with a "mechanical voice" - ADA. 

    So maybe ADA is the connection between the box opening and this post.

    Matt Stevenson​ and Susanna Moyer​ were really the only one knowing what's in the box?

    ADA might have been there through her technical skills.


  17. 1-explain "mechanically speaking, how is this post related to the opening of the box +Susanna Moyer had?"

    2- for what its worth -at some point this question could only be guessed, and not concretely answered. And if it were to have to be guessed - it would be quite a stretch to think it actually could be...

    is there another box? another artifact maybe since there are two keys?

  18. "What's in the box?" => "what's in the envelope?"

  19. does it have something to do with the media in that passcode?

  20. is it the key returning to the guy that found it?

  21. the artifacts are being given to man who found the key?

  22. hrmmmm the media in the passcode is old.... from when you received the key.

  23. and even then theres only a portion of it that shows when susanna gave you the key, its very short on that aspect, the 3 isthmus video showed more....

  24. Ishira Tsubasa "hrmmmm the media in the passcode is old.... from when you received the key. " YES! This is the correct answer. The media from the cough cough subtitle is the one that has the story of the key! I will send you a reward code now ;-)

  25. heck yah! thanks for the code! next puzzle please!


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