Thoughts on meeting the Acolyte

Thoughts on meeting the Acolyte

As I saw Matt Stevenson open the box from Susanna Moyer, I knew from my recent meeting with flint dille during GORUCK  that we had a difficult path ahead of us.  Many investigators thought hard about the choice and after delivering the artifacts to The Acolyte.

After receiving the artifacts, she said "we can now ignite the Obsidian Shield to protect us from the N'zeer."  I grew confident that we had made the right choice.  Shaper/N'zeer conflict benefits no one.  With the artifacts in her hand, I felt like I could rest easy.

But there was no rest that day.  The Acolyte of Roland Jarvis said that now it's up to us!  It is up to us to prevail, and win, and fight.  A tall order, but the work of Ingress agents is never done.  The next step is approaching, and may hit close to home.

Photo credit to NCC1701R 

Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex flint dille Hank Johnson Andrew Krug Linda B 


  1. I wish I could have met The Acolyte. I envy you a little bit.

  2. Ahhh love the pictures! The Acolyte is really awesome!

  3. Martin Zehetmayer No, you meant my cameras are awesome ;P

  4. NCC1701R​ No. In that case you are awesome, not your tools ;-)

  5. Martin Zehetmayer Let's just say the Acolyte and my cameras when I use them are awesome ;)

  6. NCC1701R you are a gifted photographer! Thank you so much for allowing us to use your photos on Project Isthmus !!

  7. Jennifer Brozek I am jealous too! (Obviously!) I wish I could have been there in person with Jaime Quinonez and Nicole Kraler last weekend as well.... looks like an amazing time!

  8. Jaime Quinonez do you have a full writeup of your conversations with her, or were you asked to keep things in confidence?  I'm curious what she had to say, especially since at that point momentum appeared to be swinging against her.


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