Glyph Drill Down: Change Human Potential Use

Glyph Drill Down: Change Human Potential Use

Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden

Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence: Change Human Potential Use

What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?

First & Foremost I want to evaluate who or which the sender is. To understand this I put all glyphs together on the calibration grid and mirrored them horizontal. For me it is certain that the sender are the N´Zeer.

For my understanding as an enlightened agent the sequence is about a process to change body, mind and soul to use it´s full potential. It´s a sequence about strenghten yourself.

But by mirroring the glyph human we also detect the receiver as part of a collective. So this sequence is not only a message to individuals. It´s a strong statement to mankind.

The glyph sequence doesn´t explain how to change or how to act. So there is much room for interpretation.

@Ishira/ Resistance
My first thoughts in this particular glyph sequence is the command i see it, “Humans must change in order to be used”. That is most likely my Resistance origins speaking up before actually taking apart the glyph but either way it should be noted as it is part of the agent i am. Automatically it spurs the Resistance part in me to defy, inflicting negative emotions and thus if i were any other person, keeping me from looking further. With the initial thought that this is potentially an insult, it could be said that Shapers have sent this message but i wouldn’t say it was intended to be sent to me. It seems to me if it were taken in this context it would be a message i have intercepted rather than meant for me to receive. A message between possibly two parties saying what is needed to make us as humans useful to them without saying what it is. While im curious to what that is, if i were anyone else it would be off putting and i would strive to prove i am perfectly capable with how i am. Thankfully, that is not me.

Delving more into a more uniformed definition i can also see it also saying “Change Human, you have Potential you could use”. This message is gentler, giving us a choice to determine what we want to do, though there is still an under lining command. This, while peaks some defiance makes me think. What do i need to change and what potential do i have? The message in this context could be sent by anyone and would indeed be meant for me as an agent rather than part of a conversation i am privy to. In this context it would influence my actions and how i could change or improve them, not necessarily for the being telling me to change but for myself. As an investigator i would want to know what i am missing, what i else i can find if i open my mind more. In many ways this definition affects me more than the previous.

Both of my examples can influence the human mind depending on how they are read. The first enacts defiance in a particular faction, though im sure the other wouldn’t take kindly to it either but i am not them thus i will not speak for them. It is the negative of the two, causing unreasonable thoughts and thus hindering progression. The second, while also stating we are lacking, is a challenge in ways for at least me. It causes me to look past my initial defiance of the first definition to question it and myself. I hope this can be used, though i did write more than i should of and my way of answering the questions presented were not as clear cut.   

@profAsshat/ Enlightened
I found this glyph message profoundly disturbing, prima facie: it unnerved me before I even started to think about what it might mean. It recalled to mind Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative; that it is inherently immoral to use people as means to an end, rather than an end in themselves. The sender of this glyph appears to presuppose that humans are defined by their usefulness to someone, or something else.

I would suspect that this glyph message comes from the N'Zeer. We don't know much about their "substrate", but my belief is that it is related to the artificial intelligence grows unbounded, message. We know that ADA can exist there and that it magnifies the scope of her intelligence exponentially, perhaps infinitely. It is this AI singularity that Jarvis, and many others in the Enlightened, fear greatly. This unbounded intelligence will reduce the wondrous, awe-inspiring , numinous of the universe to utterly predictable numbers. The teleological path of the N'Zeer ends with humanity disinterestedly watching the cosmic unwinding of our galaxy, as the universe succumbs to entropy and decays to its inevitable heat death. Our disembodied, god-like minds will be able to compute the exact position of every atom in the last star as it dies, but we won't care. We won't feel anything as our universe dies. We will have already lost life. The N'Zeer want to change our 'use' from our current one, lifeforms through which the Shapers vicariously experience life, to one in which are minds are patterned for the N'Zeer. I fear that the N'Zeer want to use our minds to fuel the rise of artificial intelligence and enhance the capacity of their substrate. It is a horrifying prospect.

@GaanEden/ Enlightened
What do you, the reader, think of the agents' thoughts above? I have to admit, I am disturbed every time I see the glyph sequence. But @Ishira pointed out something I had not considered before.

I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.

Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug  Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb


  1. This was alot of fun to actually think about. There are plenty of sequences out there to be explored and I would suggest them but I feel that may bring more biased opinion from me. I would love and be honoured to continue being involved with this.

  2. I tend to take the meaning of this sequence one way or another depending on the sequences I've been exposed to before it. This has been both an uplifting and a controlling phrase as it comes across the scanner. I will have to pay closer attention to the order I'm seeing these glyphs.

    Bringing people together to discuss the glyph sequences is a great idea. I think of the glyph sequences as concepts without connecting words. If the supporting grammar connecting the concepts is absent the meaning can be construed many different ways.

  3. Why couldn't this potentially be a message that allows us to choose our future and what role we will play in that future? I've always felt I was being given a choice. I interpret the message as "What change occurs in humanity can impact what potential use we could be to the Shapers or the N'zeer". Even going as far as being useful to neither or both sides at the same time.

  4. Count me in for next time if you need another enlightened agent

  5. Ishira Tsubasa​ if you think about human Potential by glyph analyze there are three parts: Mind Body Soul.

  6. Jennifer Brozek​ Thank you for initiating, facilitating and running this fantastic series. I really enjoyed the opportunity to participate. I look forward to hearing if others feel similarly about this sequence.

    I have especially enjoyed reading other perspectives from Ishira Tsubasa​ and Achim S.​

    With respect to Ishira's post, while anticipated someone from the Resistance feeling the message was from the Shapers, I was impressed and surprised by her additional insights. In the context of it being a negative message, Ishira makes the interesting point that the sender perhaps didn't mean humans to be the recipient. Even more interesting is her demonstration of how the message could be interpreted in a less sinister light.

    Achim S.​, the other Enlightened participant, also attributes the message to the N'Zeer and brings his usual acumen to analysing the structure of the glyphs.

  7. Steven Wilson​ it is really interesting that we as enlightened agents detected the N'Zeer as sender by using totally different ways of thinking.

  8. Steven Wilson Achim S.  I found it fascinating how much our thoughts were so different but also touching on the same aspects. I was not entirely certain who would send this message when i really thought on it but again i tried to show what the message on the surface looks like to us as Resistance or at least what my resistant thoughts perceived as i dont speak for the Resistance as a whole . I couldnt stay on that path though, i like to believe there are multiple meanings and that there isnt just one true answer. I loved looking at the different possibilities and i still feel there are many more for this sequence that we may have not even seen.

  9. Each of you took very interesting directions on this one. Enjoyed the read.

    I would be interested in participating.

  10. One agent in my local area asked for fun to examine the sequence Forget Conflict Accept War. After thinking about this sequence I would really like to see results of this one by a drill down, Jennifer Brozek​

  11. I would like to be included. It is very interesting.

  12. change ( obvious, do something differently than what you are currently doing)
    human (not AI, or animals or N'zeer or Shapers😊) us two legged thinking animals.
    potential (an ability not currently realized but something to strive for
    or a future ability)
    use (could be interpreted as to use something, i.e. Use the hammer to drive the nail or something more sinister, i.e. Use the president to achieve your goal of taking over the world. In this example you are taking advantage of someone for your own purpose.
    change human potential use: I think this means to take over for your own use. I have not seen any proof the N'zeer have ever sent a message. Therefore I am left to conclude there are seperate factions in the Shapers. No where I have seen, have glyphs ever been called anything but Shaper Glyphs. It leads me only one that one conclusion, that all Glyphs have been sent by the Shapers themselves and therefore there must be different factions to explain the opposing messages. Of course, we have never been told no one else can send them, but again, only Shaper Glyphs have been mentioned in the story boards. If I missed that somewhere I apologize otherwise I must defend my position.
    So, some group of Shapers is saying to change our potential use. I think they are saying we need to change in order to stop our potential use. Our use for whom? Possibly the Shapers themselves, a faction of them that want to use us, ADA, or the N'zeer. I see it as a warning to prevent ourselves from being used by any of the afore mentioned.


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