We've Improved Our Chat System For The Project Isthmus Street Team!

We've Improved Our Chat System For The Project Isthmus Street Team!

Originally this effort was to be a trial, but its instant popularity with our community has made it a new feature.  We've linked our Project Isthmus Street Team channel in Hangouts to a corresponding channel in Telegram.  The contents is (pretty much) exactly mirrored in the two systems.  This allows our members the choice and flexibility of two systems.

Here is some quick info for you:
+You do not need to change anything if you like the existing Hangouts
+(Hey! Did you know we have a Hangouts channel for our Project Isthmus Street Team? All are welcome to join!)
+You can join a new Telegram channel that mirrors the Hangouts using this link: https://telegram.me/joinchat/BNGL8z9WscdFTBxCxNYetg
+You can be in both if you want, but you don't have to
+We've even added the TG link to the "About Us" section so it will be easy to find in the future

This relay service is graciously donated by the amazing folks at www.sameroom.io . It works great, and handles things like images very well.


  1. Great, happy to see people are supporting PI

  2. This is an excellent development that will allow Project Isthmus to expand even beyond those agents who use hangouts. It also means that Project Isthmus will not be constrained by any of the limitations of Hangouts, particular size. Well done!

  3. Mario G. Steven Wilson thank you guys so much for the positive feedback on this, we really appreciate it!


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