Glyph Drill Down: Ignore Human Chaos Lie

Glyph Drill Down: Ignore Human Chaos Lie
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Ignore Human Chaos Lie
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@Ishira/ Resistance
Glyphs are simple, which leaves a lot to be guessed when we are trying to define their meanings. I have many theories on this sequence but let’s condense them into the most prominent ones.
Ignore it human, this chaos is a lie. This definition is much like Ignore Conflict Accept War, in the way that I feel once again the Human is being directed away from the true reason behind the chaos. As an agent if the message were directed to me, I wouldn’t be keen on the underlying command but at the same time it seems like a conversation a supportive friend would have with you. Ignore whatever this chaos is, it’s not worth your time…. But we come to the question on whether or not this message is directed to us. In this definition I can say that a human is being talked to but whether it be us I still don’t believe so. Again we are missing direct pronouns, glyphs that say us, you, me, I… And we know these glyphs are there, they just aren’t used. So it’s hard for me to believe any of these messages are honestly for us. Getting more into the glyph sequence itself if read it this way I’m curious as to which chaos they are speaking of. Is the same as the conflict in the previous glyph sequence we studied? It spurs me into questioning why it is so important for us to ignore the problems that have already happened or are arising. It causes me to take a step back and look more thoroughly at the issue as a whole..
Ignore Humans and their chaotic lie(s). I’m sure this is the way most people read this glyph and I’m sure that it automatically draws out a defiant response. Chaotic Lie? I am not lying! How dare they. It certainly isn’t a message you would want to give a human… So for me this definition certainly points to it not being a direct message to me, a human, unless… I’m being told to ignore other humans lies.
We all know humans lie, but what makes it a chaotic lie? A lie that possibly starts a War? Now you can say that humans didn’t start this war but they certainly feed it. Our ‘leaders’ do not tell the full truth and in many cases have lied to us or claimed they didn’t know. Do we believe them? Many don’t.  In war this is a way to keep troops on the path they need to be on. Don’t listen to the other guy’s side, they lie and their trying to manipulate you! For sheep this works, but I’m sure by now you know I am not a sheep along with anyone who takes apart these glyph studies. These messages with obviously commands only make me want to dig further. Thank you again for having me on the Drill Down. I can’t wait to see what others say.    
@Kttail/ Enlightened
By our very nature humans are chaotic. Our emotions drive our attitudes and actions. Life is seldom anything remotely resembling order. This glyph sequence seems very Zen in nature. It can be taken a couple of ways.
One interpretation could be to ignore the lie that is our internal chaos. Strive for more of a balance and become with the universe. In this manner do we invalidate the chaos within and are able to ignore the lie it tells.
Another interpretation could be to ignore the lies that perpetuate chaos within our societies. Take a look at the wars, shootings, general hate. They encourage people to believe that peace and prosperity are not attainable, thus a lie. Should we, as a species, strive to solve our “problems” and differences in peaceful wholesome manners perhaps we can begin to Ignore Human Chaos Lie.
@essayons75/ Resistance
This seems like a response to another glyph sequence in order to refute what the sender considers a lie.  The two main possible sequences being “Pure Human Failure Now Chaos” and “Imperfect XM Message Human Chaos.”  Those two seem to be from both the Shapers and the N’Zeer (depending on how those are translated), so who knows which side this is coming from? 
Ignore Human Chaos Lie is a sequence that seems like petty squabbling to me and not a real argument against any Human Chaos statement.
@vivkkrishnan05/ Enlightened
Prima facie, it looks like the glyph means to say, ignore human chaos as lies.
First, Human and Chaos. Here, I would like to refer to Human as humanity and Chaos as the opposite of order. No further explanation must be needed for humanity - it is our civilization, our way of life. Being Human...
Chaos on the other hand, is disruption of order. We have an orderly way of life. Chaos is usually considered evil, but I would disagree with it being always evil - it just is disruption of order.
Humanity has always evolved via disrupted means. We advanced using techniques that would considered heretics and taboo, and were outlawed in the earlier lifetimes, but today, considered science. On the flipside, there was also downsides for this. For example, due to advancement, entire civilizations were wiped out. Wars have caused more suffering.
Thus, I think Human Chaos, justifies one word - but it can be both good and evil. Usually, the good side can be shown as the creativity in humans - such as startups which are taking over the world today, while the bad or evil side can be shown as the advancement for evil deeds, such as war. It is the evolution of mankind forward - good or evil.
Thus, I would like to split it up as follows :
Ignore | Human Chaos | Lie
And expound on it
Ignore the destruction caused by humanity by assuming they are lies. For people would only want to forget bad things, usually all want to remember good stuff.
How does XM fit into this? XM is one of the original items that has evolved us, making us what we are today. It has acted as a catalyst, causing us to evolve.
@GaanEden/ Enlightened
This one is all over the place and I love it. Thank you all for bringing different points of view to light with your answers. Personally, I’ve never understood this glyph set, but ignoring problems don’t make it go away. If “Human Chaos” is a lie, you need to understand where the “lie” is coming from.
I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.

flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb


  1. I´d be interested to join your round table. Metamorphis "invited" me to.


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