Glyph Drill Down: Distance Self Avoid Human Lie

Glyph Drill Down: Distance Self Avoid Human Lie
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Distance Self Avoid Human Lie
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@JennyWeb/ Resistance
I find it useful to break this down into two segments, “Distance Self” and “Avoid Human Lie”. Distance Self could mean exactly what the English transliteration indicates: to distance oneself from the “Human Lie”. But this is somewhat redundant with the Avoid glyph, and the use of the Self glyph seems to be significant​. The Distance glyph is sometimes shown as “Outside”, and I think these concepts are much more aligned in the glyph language than the English transliteration connotes. In this case, I believe the first part of the sequence is admonishing the receiver to “distance from themselves”, or put another way: to think, feel, or project one’s understanding and consciousness outside of their usual experience and concept of self.
So what is the “Human Lie” that must be avoided? From my interpretation of the first part it seems that the Human Lie is some aspect of human experience that derives from our experience of the self. Perhaps it is the entire concept of an individual self. This brings to mind certain teachings of Buddhism and Taoism, among other religions and philosophies, that humanity is spiritually interconnected. It also brings to mind some more empirical observations on the concept of self. As Francis Crick stated: “You, your joys and your sorrows, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.” So, the “Human Lie” is perhaps either the illusion that the self is distinct from others (i.e. we are all intrinsically connected and part of the same larger being) or it is the delusion that we currently exist in any significant way beyond a collection of biochemical reactions.
The first interpretation seems like a Shaper philosophy. It certainly aligns with Enlightened descriptions of the Ultimate, and hints at a collective consciousness. The second interpretation rather sounds like a N’zeer sentiment. It could indicate a call to action for humanity to integrate their consciousness with technology to experience a more true existence, unfettered by biological imperatives. It also sounds rather like the sort of realization that Jarvis warned against when he said that peering behind the picture frame might lead us to “break the universe”. As for who is sending it, I don’t necessarily believe that glyph sequences have “senders” in the linear sense. The way the XM substrate behaves, it seems that sender and receiver are entangled, and it could very well be that the origination of a message depends heavily on who it is that hears it. This is a message that could very much be influenced by the receiver. As a Resistance agent and follower of ADA, I believe that the future of humanity does lie in a path of technological augmentation of the mind. But I also find myself accepting the other interpretation as true as well. It could be that both are thoroughly valid, and that the advice of this glyph sequence is universal.
@Metamorphis/ Enlightened
This glyph sequence is one of the most powerful ones only appearing at Level-8 Portals. Only “full-level-agents” can receive this message. This could be an indication that the sequence is not for self-understanding. I´m certain that the meaning is related to the collective. But let me try to dissect this for a better understanding.
The first two glyphs have both second meanings. Distance could be understand as Outside and Self could be understand as Individual. Following Viktor Kureze´s phase shift theory the glyph Distance is a modulation from Destination. So, the sender might want us to take another point of view. But why we should do that? Maybe the second part of the sequence reveals the hidden message.
The second part of the sequence is a combination of Avoid Human and Lie. This message starts with a warning to prevent a disaster and to escape something or someone. Something or someone is telling lies about us or to us as human beings. These lies could lead to a fearful catastrophe—a shaper self destruction code? “Improve Body Mind and Soul” or “Improve Human Future” are glyph sequences I receive very often during my field studies. “Keys open doors—doors to dark places” is a quote from the Krakow documents which could be understand as a warning too. The message within the glyph sequence we’re talking about is in my opinion an alert. It warns me again—as Susanna Moyer did during the first appearance of the glyphs—not to use them because they might influence and manipulate the user. It is actual a warning about the secret war to control exotic matter. This war has changed in a bloody nightmare. But as an enlightened agent and glyph investigator a good quote is always in my mind: “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it.”
Last but not least, let me clarify in some sentences the true sender of this (for me) dramatic and very disturbing sequence. There are two hidden facts that lead to the N’Zeer. First the sequence starts with the glyph Distance/Outside. If you believe in the theory that the glyph grid is divided up in two axis, time and place, the glyph Distance is past oriented. The second fact is the message itself as a warning to us about someone else—the Shapers.
@TooHightoCare/ Resistance
Distance(your)Self(and)Avoid(the)Human Lies is how I first read this sequence...
Being a Resistance agent, I can see that this could be a type of encoded message to falter belief that the Resistance must rely on its fellow species to unravel the truth and lies of the Shaper and XM influence. It could be a push to influence and change the minds to believe that an enlightened path must be taken and we cannot trust ourselves completely, given that humans lie.
From a neutral standpoint, of which I think all this information should be taken in, there is a push that humans do in fact lie, and about a lot. We must distance ourselves to collectively take in all the information available and wisely accept what we believe is the most logical and morally acceptable path of investigative action. The lies will only cloud the path... this must be a message from a party that either is deeply considerate of our species evolution and wants to help, or is trying to cloud judgment and cause division amongst us.
@Morgyan/ Enlightened
I remember this glyph sequence, and of course I remember it a slightly different way, as it starts with a multi-meaning glyph.  I remember it as Outside Self Avoid Human Lie. Either way, let's start from the back.  We see that this glyphs sequence starts on the premise that humans lie, they are untrustworthy.  Though, with the way these things go, it could be more about avoiding misconceptions than lies. Something along the lines of humans lie to themselves.
Either way, Avoid is fairly straightforward, we need to avoid them.
For the first two, I really don't think it matters if we use the way I remember it or the way it is stated.  Either way, we need to Distance Yourself, or be Outside of yourself.
So, bringing that all together, I put this more with a meaning of, Stay outside of yourself, or distant from yourself, to avoid the lies of humans, or in this case, to avoid the lies we tell ourselves.
I may be bringing my own personal bias into this as I am part of the Enlightened faction, but I think this message is sent from the Shapers.  I say that because the way to be distant from yourself, or outside yourself, is through meditation or similar higher stats of consciousness.
@GaanEden/ Enlightened
As always, these roundtables bring a new perspective to me for each glyph set. Both @JennyWeb and @Metamorphis brought out fresh ideas I’d never considered before. Memetic language really hampered and enhanced by what you bring to it.
I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.
flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda B


  1. Distance self avoid human lie, it's kind of a retake on the whole Distance self avoid Shapers lie isn't it? Usually, up until recently, we were always told to avoid Shapers lie.
    There is a faction of humans that wants to split themselves off from the Enlightened and the Resistance. To me, this is speaking about them. Don't believe their lie. It is telling you, and I mean you, not me as I am part of the faction that wants to split from both, to distance yourself and not believe the human lie. What is in their mind the human lie? That we don't need the Shapers or the N'zeer. We can do this on our own without alien influence. Distance yourself from that idea which Shapers believe is a lie.
    I am still of the opinion that all Glyphs come from the Shapers themselves and there is a faction of Shapers that doesn't believe they should be interfering in our evolution, hence anti-Shaper messages etc.....
    But, I also believe they are completely aware of what we are doing all the time and still trying to influence us through their Glyphs and portals. So, I think this message is telling folks not to believe us when we tell them we don't need either group, we can stand United as Humans against them. So, I suppose the Shapers have told you to distance yourself from me, lol and avoid my lie.
    As I mentioned I believe Shapers send all the messages. I have never seen anything to sway me from that. ADA was able to manipulate them in the instance of Klue. But, that is the only occasion they have ever been shown to be manipulated by anything other than Shapers.
    I have to defend my position since I brought it up. Both the Enlightened and the Resistance act without thinking. The Obsidian Shield was activated without a single thought of how to safely shut it down once activated in case it didn't go as their selfish short-sightedness planned. And now the very thought of weaponizing it? Outrageous! What in God's name makes anyone think that is a good idea? We still know NOTHING about that shield. That is why I believe we need a human faction. Neither Enlightened or Resistance can be trusted. We must have a human faction that can think things through and see all outcomes and plan accordingly. The outrageous behavior of the Enlightened and the Resistance can't be trusted or tolerated. I'm sure the Shapers are screaming their heads off don't believe me! But, believe me, neither faction knows what the hell they are doing! Thanks for listening and give it careful consideration before we blow ourselves off the planet.

  2. I think an analysis from start to finish of the sequences containing Unbounded would be interesting.

    I believe lower level glyph sequences are clouded versions of higher level ones. As we advance and are able to handle longer sequences, more meaning is clear. But the same message is meant to be tested throughout.

  3. Oh my I missed one! When I am home I will certainly write something up for this cause I love seeing these :)

  4. Distance Self Avoid Human Lie

    This glyph sequence has to be dissected and to
    be tackled from its end to understand it, imho.
    Let´s start with "Human Lie". What is a human lie?
    Humans lie nearly all the time, be it for their own benefit
    or not to hurt others, to mention only two common
    reasons. I think "Lie" stands for "misconception" or
    even "self-betrayal" here. The Shapers are adressing
    the Resistance "misconception" that humanity needs no
    help to solve its problems here, I believe.

    As the Shapers are the senders of this message, it´s
    clear that they ask us to "Avoid" this "Lie".How to do
    so? By "Distance Self", meaning to distance ourselves
    from ourselves. They ask us to take a step back, regard
    the situation we´re in and accept the fact that we need
    their help.

    They´re acting like a parent who tells his child to go
    slow because he fears that the kid does something wrong
    and wants to help him. Since I believe that everyone -
    even humanity as a whole - has the right to make his own
    mistakes, I respectfully decline this offer. People learn
    best when they suffer the consequences of their mistakes.

  5. Some excellent ideas here. Always interesting to see how different perspectives can still agree on certain aspects.


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