Glyph Drill Down: Hide Impure Human Thought

Glyph Drill Down: Hide Impure Human Thought
Welcome to the Glyph Drill Down Roundtable. I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic. ~@GaanEden
Glyphs are a memetic language imparting concepts to influence the human mind. In this Roundtable, we will discuss the following glyph sequence:
Hide Impure Human Thought
What do you think it mean? Who is the sender and what is the receiver supposed to understand? How is this glyph sequence supposed to influence the human mind?
@Enade/ Enlightened
Hide Impure Human Thought... Honestly this could be a message from either the Shapers or the N'zeer as far as I can tell. What thoughts do each consider Impure? The Shapers, the Desire for Technology? The N'zeer, the Thirst for Knowledge? It is possible that this is a Sequence meant for Agents that are acting undercover in areas that are highly controlled by the opposite faction to act as a temporary form of Brainwash to prevent them from being uncovered easily. It is also possible that it could be meant as a method of cleansing the Human Mind of thoughts that each side considers Impure, making it a sequence that both the Shapers and the N'zeer use to exert their control over the greater portion of the population as a means of trying to have the Humans reach their version of the Ultimate quicker.
@Ishira/ Resistance
Hide Impure Human Thought
As I read this I’m reminded of child hood, when we’ve explored thoughts and things that aren’t necessarily accepted in our social world or small communities. May it be we were too young or inexperienced, whatever excuse we are given but it reminds me of a parent chastising a child. My first read of it is that my thoughts are not right, I am wrong, and I need to stop thinking the way I am. Of course for me, it just invigorates me to think the way I do as often as possible. Many could say this is a command to us again, from either of our faction leads but for me, I'm still convinced this is not true. No human wants to be told they are thinking impurely, so to me it does not make sense for our leads to tell us we are in such a short and of course, as I have brought up before, there are known glyphs that would represent us better than “Human.” Maybe in this context the message is once again being overheard, or read, between two higher beings. One telling the other that their thoughts are becoming too human and thus impure. 
Similarly, we could see this as a warning to us. Glyphs are incomplete even in these sequences, only providing a portion of the words needed to get a full message. Maybe someone is telling us to hide from impure thoughts that may affect us negatively or harm us. Maybe these impure thoughts are not actually from ourselves but other 'humans.' In this context I am not eager to defend myself, nor do I take it personally. I'm curious, like I am with most sequences, wondering who they are referring to and if the danger is actually there.
@wikkedimp/ Enlightened
Hide impure human thought... seems pretty straight forward. Almost self explanatory when you think about it. Hide (your) impure human thought. Makes sense. Don’t want everyone knowing your dark secrets. Your evil wants and desires. But why add the word human?
There is another glyph sequence that suggests that humans are shapers. If this is the case, then this message is from evolved human shapers giving us advice on how to evolve, or in an philosophical sense, shape our minds. To become better than we are. That our impure human thoughts are what is holding us back from understanding and accepting our true nature.
But what if this message was what allowed Roland Jarvis to enter the Ultimate? What if this is, or was, one of the texts giving to him and he left it there for us? One of the many texts he used to calm his mind and shape it, allowing him to transcend.
@GaanEden/ Enlightened
This one doesn’t give me good feelings. It’s why I put it up for discussion. I suppose it is the word “impure” in the mix that makes me twitch. I don’t know what is meant by “impure.” I wish we knew more.
I will be running these weekly. If you are interested in joining in, please let me know in the comments. This is Faction/Level agnostic.
Also, if you would like to have a specific glyph sequence examined, let me know in the comments.
flint dille Andrew Krug Hank Johnson Stein Lightman Edgar Allan Wright H. Richard Loeb Linda B


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