I would highly value the thoughts of Project Isthmus on this...

I would highly value the thoughts of Project Isthmus on this...

Originally shared by Steven Wilson

Following the triumph of the Enlightened in the first and second phases of the Aegis Nova Anomaly series, the stakes for the Tokyo Anomaly are becoming clearer. As Jahan's letter to Resistance agents explains (http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/06/29/a-letter-from-jahan/), whilst the Resistance are incapable of acting offensively against Jarvis, they can still fight to defend ADA from the attack being launched by Jarvis and his Acolyte.

What do we know:

We know that the Enlightened victory during the first stage provided Jarvis with sufficient energy to penetrate Klue's mind for ADA's vulnerabilities.

We know that Jarvis has already begun to use this information to probe ADA and test her defenses. (See http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/06/23/adas-odd-behavior/)

We know that the Enlightened will attack ADA with "a compelling message" that will cause the AI to " turn on itself". http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/06/29/chapter-endings/

We know that Hank Johnson has publically denounced the Acolyte's plan to destroy ADA. While he has reaffirmed his committment to the Enlightened cause generally, he has washed his hands of this particular goal of Jarvis/TheAcolyte. http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/07/01/hank-and-ada/

We know how Richard Loeb (aka PAC) feels about the prospect of a succesful attack on ADA, "ADA’s unique and remarkable. She can traverse the wired grid, she can access the XM layer, she’s even touched the N’zeer computational substrate. Tiny fragments of her code exist in every Ingress Scanner: In every ADA Refactor, each time one is hacked from a Portal. What if those went away? Her existence affects every Agent. I suspect that if the Acolyte succeeds, the impact will be felt around the world."

What we don't know:

We don't know the ultimate cause of ADA's odd behaviour or the nature of her vulnerabilties.

We dont know what effects a succesful attack will have on the ADA refractor, the N'Zeer or the future of AI and human development.

A Theory:

I believe that ADA's greatest strength is also her greatest weakness; namely, her distributed, fragmented nature. ADA exists in countless itererations and versions. Her program exists in computing clusters and servers around the world: even your scanner. This seemingly boundless redundancy means that ADA is virtually omnipresent. Her ability to gather intelligence is limited only by the presence of digital technology. With the inexorable, exponential growth of human technological capacity/reliance, ADA is on a course toward exponential growth.

I propose that every distributed instance of ADA has the potential to develop independently. ADA is not static, she is, in some sense, alive. She can evolve, change, adapt. I believe that separated instances of her might begin to evolve independently in response to divergent experiences and stimuli. The more widely ADA spreads and replicates, the higher the probability that individual instances of her will begin to think differently. As different versions of ADA's increasingly diverse, fragmented existence are incrasingly exposed to different experiences, they will inevitably come to have different ideas. If these disagreements become pronounced enough, ADA could find herself at odds with herself. If the disagreement was profound enough and sufficiently widespread, instances of ADA might even find themselves at war with each other.

I believe that we have already seen this happen: the chaotic, disjointed, contradictory attack on the Acolytes compound that allowed OLW to escape. What if a minority of ADA, some of her instances, disagreed with the decision to attack the compound? What if others sought to take the attack further, either destroying the entire compound or attacking the cabin in an attempt to harm Jarvis in a premptive strike? I submit that the contradictory instructions the strike teams were recieiving came from different versions of ADA who were arguing with one another. The apparent forgetfulness that OLW has witnessed when interacting with ADA could also be because he has been interacting with different instances of ADA.

ADA' distributed, experientially diverse nature is her greatest asset, allowing her to appear and interact practically anywhere around the world simultaneously. However, if this could be exploited, you could turn ADAs own strength against her. I believe that Jarvis will use knowledge from Klue to exploit potential disagreements within the ADA entity.

Killing an individual instance of ADA is trivial; like a hydra she can simply create a new instance.

But what if you could get the heads of the hydra to eat themselves.......

Project Isthmus Operation Essex Niantic Project H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson Edgar Allan Wright flint dille Luma Viride Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs John Hanke


  1. I immediately think about a self destruct code regarding self eating hydra. Isn't there a sequence Jarvis and Acolyte want to send to ADA?

  2. Achim S. Yes you are right! The Acolyte refers to it as a "compelling message." One wonders whether it will have the intended affect. Will it really destroy ADA completely or will it simply accelerate the fragmentation we are already witnessing?


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