Okay guys I did some research about the wristbands... thats what I got:

Okay guys I did some research about the wristbands... thats what I got:
There are most likely 3 different rare pack wirstbands (see pictures from me and M. K.)
If I put my VR wirstband on top only the glyphs from type 3 rare wirstbands match up.
Type 1 only gives two matches (Unbounded and Escape).
Type 2 only gives three matches (Unbounded, Escape and Pursue/Chase).
With type 3 all 4 glyphs match: Unbounded, Escape, Pursue/Chase and Attack/War.
My question, is there a different vr wirstband which will match type 1 and 2 glyphs? Please add picture of you vr wirstband if you have.

I hope this helps so far :)
Matt Stevenson Anthony Fontana 


  1. Try it with the Enlightened side to please... 👍

  2. Enl...what?! Ohhhh that ugly side! :P Give me some time. ;)

  3. Mario G. 😂😂😂 no Problem take your Time.... 👍

  4. Okay it works the same way for enl side, only type 3 rare works on all 4 glyphs with vr. glyphs on enl side are: 1. Evolution / Success / Progress / Progression, 2. Harmony / Peace, 3. Chaos / Disorder and 4. Contemplate

  5. Thank you much, Mario G.. This is good work.

  6. Yay!!!!! Now to fi d any other versions of the VR wrist bands. I am also trying to see if this might be a way of decoding the secrets in Nigel Moyer's letter to Susanna.

  7. Mario G. Thanks buddy for your Time and Passion.... 👊

  8. Thank you for sharing your bands! I also have the same rare and vr band

  9. I'm not sure how to post a picture on this.....

  10. I think you cant, you have to link the picture here

  11. Still unsure how to do that.....

  12. I can put a general G+ but not sure if I can do specific?

  13. Michel Barbour yea crate a public post, copy and paste the link

  14. I have a Type 3 if seems, let me know if you need a pic

  15. Looks like my VR bracelet would match Type 2. I have two Type 3, and one Type 1 bracelet.

    Wish I paid more attention to this stuff when I was having people mule for me. Only requested the cards lol


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